Best get to some film watching & typing then

Random Reviews


Cinema Club… Life

6 yrs

DVD's in Order

6 yrs

Cinema Club… Geostorm

Gerrard Butttttttllllllleeeeerrrrr I know this is going to be crap I really do. But that’s why I need to see it… & you know Butler saving the world on his own is worth it, it really is. £3 upstairs at the dome yes please… […]

2017 Cinema Club
6 yrs

Cinema Club… The Aftermath

Monday film time. This week is actually really quiet for me for films just this trip. You can tell award season is now over, & we are gearing up for the blockbuster season arent we. Only films that know they are going to do […]

2019 Cinema Club
6 yrs

Cinema Club… Happy Death Day

God this weeks been difficult to plan film viewing in oh man still its going to be worth it at the end of it all. It’s Odeon unscreened night which means cinema before the actual film I’m not just going to hang around town […]

2017 Cinema Club
6 yrs

Cinema Club… The Snowman

This has looked gripping for ages & ages I’m so looking forward to this the trailer looks cool the posters look cool sign me up… Then in came the rotten tomatoes reviews 28% hmmmm usually I try to ignore the tomatoes until I see […]

2017 Cinema Club


Film 152:- Thor Ragnarok

Hey man… there maybe, well, there will be spoilers just going to let you know that here before you start. & yes I am typing this with Korgs voice in my head, & you should of read it like that too, & if you […]

Cinema Club… Shazam!

Friday 4:50 film yes please peoples of the internet lets get to the Odeon & see a movie before i get home for a quick dinner before the Liverpool Southampton game hehe. Screen 2 was pretty packed lots of family & groups with kids […]



In case i don't see ya... Popcorn For One Film Reviews wish you all the best. If you can dream it you can do it!