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Cinema Club… Bros

2 yrs


Sofa Viewer:- Spree

3 yrs

DVD's in Order

Film 261:- Midsommar

6 dys

Film 261:- Midsommar

Spoilers Does it make you a bad person if you say Midsommar is a comfort film for you? Not asking for a friend, asking for myself. Yes its time to go get lost in Ari Asters weird festival, which asks at an hour in […]

2023 DVD Films
2 weeks

Cinema Club… Sonic The Hedgehog 3

FREEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!! SorryIm done with work for 2024 woohoo. What a way to celebrate than going to the cinema & watching the 8:15 pm showing of Sonic 3 which even though it isnt, it will be an adult only showing. Lets be honest who is […]

2024 Cinema Club
3 weeks

Cinema Club… Maria

I could have seen this as an advanced screening back in December, but it was either see this or no presents to wrap. So i didnt go to this. Everyone loved their christmas gifts by the way. So here i am on a monday […]

2025 Cinema Club


Cinema Club… Thor: Love and Thunder

Opening night, a day before the rest of the world, to watch Thor… yes please. I need this for my reward from today. I really really do. Bring on the madness of Taika. I am ready to get lost in the crazy rainbow. First […]

Cinema Club… Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Its Star Wars sundays at cineworld at the moment woohoo. Time to complete my collection of seeing them all on the big screen. So lets start off with Rogue One just cos its the best of the new ones & then we can get […]



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