Its here……………………………… The inevitable is here…………………… ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Time to go & see the Endgame & see who makes it out alive & try to not write a spoiler filled review. This is going to be so difficult.
This has been a very long time coming its going to be the end for some of our most loved characters after 11 years of gracing us with there presents & glorious purpose. So to try not to ruin it for those who havent seen it yet will be hard. I didnt actually see it opening day in the UK, for one main reason. If i see it Thursday i have to go to work on friday… which i know i probably wont be able to cope with at all. I’m not sure im going to be emotionally strong enough to go & do a days work. A weekend may get me over it.
So the film started (before adverts & trailers ) in screen 4 at 5pm. I got there & got my row of 1 seat at 4:45, it was already half full. 4:55 someone from the Odeon came in & shouted this screening of Endgame is now sold old please can everyone budge up please & not leave odd seats. I saw 3 groups move up but that was about it. Then the fun started watching people arrive going oh no where ae the 7 of us going to sit. Oh & guess who turned up basically last… that group of teenagers from last year who tried to make me move. Ha Ha still havent learnt there lesson have they. Any how its sold out. Not one seat to be had.
Trailers we had the brand new Hobbs & Shaw which was epic, we had the brand new Men in Black International trailer, We also had dark phoenix, Godzilla & there was one more what was it what was it, it looked sooooo good what was it. oh it was the emotional Pika Pika one which looks so sweet.
& then the film started… & if i spoil this for you im sooooooooooooo sorry i will do my best.
Right so lets deal with what happened at 11:05 on friday night i’ve been home a while the film finished 3 hours ago & pops has gone to bed, so i get to spill to mama as to what happened in the film all weekend & mainly right now as to how it went down. She really enjoys my enjoyment & passion for it so she was looking forward to it. So i sat there & thought id get it all out of the way & done with & i decided to tell her the emotional it & i couldnt get the words out & i broke down & cried. I sat in the middle of the sofa with my Bacardi lime & coke & cried uncontrollably for 10minutes trying to get the words out properly. Mama was full on concerned for me & my mental health right then. I did eventually get to saying what i wanted to say but it was very garbled, but i got there. Thats how emotional it was that i fell apart on the sofa. We arent even talking about tearing up in the cinema or full on crying in the cinema, which you could hear lots of people doing.
This film need to have an emotional warning before it saying that you will be ruined by the end. I feel like my world has been turned upside down & then thrown in a shredder & blitzed & then hit by lightening. I ache from seeing this film & my soul will never be the same again.
There were some bits that were very clever throw back to the past in all of MCU & some nice appearance by some well loved characters that we didnt think we may be seeing again. Most of theres bits also gave us some of the funny bits too. I mean it was funny through out. Ant Man Rocket & Thor providing most of that if im honest.
As much as this film was focused on the 6 original avengers, it was Karen Gillan who had the most to do & was the other MVP of this film apart from the original 6. She rocked it as Nebula, she brought out every emotion in me at different times through out. She was fabulous.
2 plot holes we will get to that much much much later (not in this review when ive seen it on DVD). I also will need to watch this again at some point in the cinema, just to get the bits i missed & to check that it was that epic. Only problem is it is 3hours of your life to watch it with no pause button to it. Its a very long time to watch it. My arm actually aches as i must have sat in an unnatural position to view the end part of the end game.
The end was perfect it really was however (this is going to be hard to type) I wish blah blah had blah with blah & not blah blah. I understand Blah but no should have blah blah blah with blah instead. god thats hard to write. If you have watched you know right?!
Stan oh Stan
My girl did turn up (she was in the trailers thats a given) but im glad blah blah blah blah blah at the end. this is so hard to write. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
One thing i can say which isnt a spoiler which is well known now there is no end credit scene. You can leave the cinema people once it says Endgame. The only time you can. Although you are still probably crying or cheering or heavy breathing or all of the above like i was.
So that is that 11 years of my life ending in 3 hours (i know phase 4 is still to come) but it really is over. I have to move on as Cap says, god alone know how. The perfect end to the infinity saga. Thank you my avengers you have done so much for me that you will never know.
To quote Toby Maguires Spiderman in Spiderman 2… NOW WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!
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