This just seems so sweet & really funny, & three people have told me to see this so i am. Lets see if its as good as that.
So the last week & this week have been so so busy hence less cinema trips, & therefore only seeing this on Thursday. I know what has my life come to.
My cinema is in Brighton, recently voted the most hipster city in the world (sorry Portland) & also we are the most accepting & multicultural too. Oh & were home of the LGBTQ community, so as you can guess screen 7 was pretty darn full for this film. If it wasnt then something was going wrong let be honest.
Trailers was the old Oceans 8 trailer (new one came out after i saw this film so), I feel Pretty which looks amazing, the potato people film, Solo there was that & one more what was it what was it…. nope its gone sorry. Too many new trailers have come out this week on YouTube, so they are kind of blurring into one really. Oh Jurassic World that was it dinosaurs zzzzzzzzzzzz altho the Goldblum is in it.
& then the film started… & its a really cute & fun & sweet coming of age film. It properly made you go awwwwww. One issue is that they say this is the best teen gay rom com of all time (mainly because there isnt that many of them) but its not so com.
Seriously the way it had been marketed had been like it was the funniest teenage based film in donkeys years. I did laugh & there were some really funny moments but its not a rom com. If you want a rom com go watch The Big Sick, or something from the 90s not this. Who ever thought this was more of a comedy obviously didnt go too a high school post the year 2000 surely everyone had that experience at there secondary school or college.
The young cast are all really good & nail what a time for young actors could be difficult roles especially for type casting with some of the roles.
I like the fact that you are working out who Blue is with Simon. Thats clever & that you are visualising who it is with them.
I dont like the black mailing angle, thats a bit of a downer. It wasnt even the kinda person who would even think of doing that. Yea hes a twat but nah it would of been a jock that did that & i liked that character, especially at the American Football game as the bear, the waffle place & the end obviously(but that would spoil it for you ).
There were lots of good metaphors & messages throughout the film.
That deputy head teacher hahaahahahahahhahaha He was the funny bits in the film with out him it wouldn’t be funny.
Everyone did get to the end & then go awwwwwww it had the correct ending to it (except the couple 5 seats along from me who properly blub like full on blubed). It did make you feel happy to leave the cinema.
This film has done its job though its told teenagers its okay to be who you are, to talk to friends or family about issues & problems & has helped lots of people come out to their parents. Which is the main objective really. So in that respect this film has done everything right.
Its a good rom com just minus more com than you thought it would have.A solid teen life lesson movie. As far as coming of age films go this eclipses Lady Bird by a country mile… but its no Call Me By Your Name. Thats still the best.