Time for one more Cinema Club visit before i become an emotional wreck & work out how to continue my life again after Endgame. So much so that this film is being viewed to see if something works.
I’m in screen 4. The next time im in screen 4 will be for Endgame. Screen 4 has 5 rows of 1 seats. Therefore i am siting in one to make sure its a good view of the screen so i dont have to move for anyone. Its alright it will do. I would prefer to be a bit further back but its not the end of the world. It will do. There will be more people in the cinema for endgame as well than here. Id say there’s about 50 people in here to watch this & i am lowering the average age to low 50s.
Trailers Downton Abbey (nope) Yesterday (possibly) Tolkin (nope) & Rocketman (Sold so Sold, so Sold that im waiting for mama popcorn to tell me when shes free so we can all go).
& then the film started… & it was a really nice pleasant surprise, it really was.
Every single person in it was stunning & acted their arses off. Okay some Russian accents were a little bit off & changed a bit but i am willing to over look that. Dench even though she was only in it for a small amount of time in the current day was well Dench & was perfect as everything unfolded. Sophie Cookson was brilliant as the younger Joan, but the performance that i really enjoyed was Stephen Campbell Moore. Every single word that came out of his mouth was amazing & i hung onto & really believed him & wanted him to be happy.
The use of the flashbacks with whats was going on in the now was amazing. Really well used. At no point was it confused or to much or all over the place.
I genuinely had no idea who was going to be the husband she ‘Meets on the boat’ which they keep alluding too throughout the film. My idea kept changing as to who it was going to be & then it was changed again & then i thought i had it then i didnt & was very happy when it was eventually revealed which made me so thankful & happy.
It was a very strong story which was clever & had some very good underlying messages about love & the world & how we expect thing to happen. It really delt with those messages & morals well. Didnt fluff around them it was brave enough to do it. Very honest true & to the point.
This film felt like it was genuinely cared for & heart & soul poured into it to make it good. It really is a triumphant british film filled with love & a good little indie British film. Well worth a look if you’ve got 100mins spare.