Monday for the cinema… in little screen 8 which i havent been in since i went to see the Dark Knight yea that long, almost walked right past it.
So im still trying to get all these Oscar & Bafta films in could be a struggle, but today it was Manchester by the Seas turn.
For once in my life the trailers did my fucking head in… almost every film up for award season had its little 2 min video it just kept going & going & going & going & going. Oh my god go away. If your watching Manchester by the Sea there is a huge chance you are going to see some more of these films, unless you are from there, or are a Casey Affleck fan. I dont need to see all of them.
Also i wish for once they gave me heads up before i went in the cinema about how many people had purchased tickets to see this opening week, after Bafta nominations, at a peak time on a monday. Nope your wrong… it was just me! No one else in the cinema NO ONE!!!!! If i had know id have asked the projection person to skip all the trailers to get to the film, it was only 15 mins into the movie i realised no one else had walked in. When the film ended & id seen the bits of the credits i wanted to view, when i got up i actually turned around & said to the projection guy thank you, good film.
…& it was a good film. Like i sat there not knowing much about it & every scene trying to work out what was going to happen next, then there was a flash back that threw me, then we met someone new & it was all very oh yea what next, what can i learn now.
Okay Mr Gosling learn Jazz Piano for La La Land but Casey Affleck is the better actor out of the two. He put on such a performance, it really was mesmerising & incredible, & i think he deserves that Oscar more.
The number of random people who poped up in this film oh my good, Michelle Williams, Tate Donovan, Matthew Broadrick (for all of 2mins) it just kept going. It was a show case of how much an impact all these brilliant actors could have in this one film.
Some of those shots over the bay oh wow ok they aint the Revenant like last year, but it gave it a run at times.
It was a really sad story, but probably because it was about loss & heart break & grief & the fact you could relate to most of the people made it more beautiful.
So go people sit in the cinema on your own & watch this stunning film. Im going to stick my neck out now & say… the is better than La La Land & deserves the Oscar more.