The one you all want to know is it that good , does it deserve all of these awards…well here goes.
First off thank you snow for not falling on Thursday night meaning i could get to work on a friday, & during the train strike (not that the trains is news anymore we just get on with it). So if i can get to work i can go to the cinema.
I would say the cinema was half full which is pretty good considering it was so cold out & who would want to venture outside in this weather unless your already out.
Trailers, im not a fan of Jackie im sorry it made it look shit, and not very good,i need to know a bit more before i see that. Beauty & the Beast though omfg take my fucking money right now i need to see this film. It looks lush.
La La Land has one problem song that stop half way through & dont really have an ending, making them abrupt for at least the first half of the film.
& that is the only error i could find with it. It is the film that critics will love, that does what a classic hollywood film should.
It gave you an ending that you didnt know you wanted but after the 2 hours you did want that ending.
When Emma Stone sings her song in the audition, it made me cry i was expecting to cry during this film, but not at that point, which shocked me the girl in front of me was having a sniffle too.
Ryan Gosling was really solid too, but i think Emma Stone is the star, and he works so well with her in any film, that its impossible for him to look bad, the fact that he learnt the piano as well for the role is amazing.
I don’t think we needed as much John Legend as we got in the film, but he was still good and if he helped to write all the music then good on him.
So i return to my original question is it deserving of that Oscar, well it made me tap my feet, hum along, laugh, cry & question my own life… So Yes it does. I’ve seen better films in the last 12 months & the hype of it does make you expect to hit your golden buzzer straight away, but im not in the urge to do that.
Its lovely & charming & yes some people wont get it, but real fans who like musicals & critics will So it will win BIG.