& that is that…
Cinema Club 2019 is now closed. The aim this year was to complete my wish list, get to the same number as last year & go see films i never thought i would see… & i think that went well
97 Cinema trip in total in 2019, which included Beach Cinema. Netflix & Amazon prime also arrived in our house for various periods of the year. We also went to a new cinema that we hadnt been to before. I’ve laughed, i’ve cried, i’ve been scared & i’ve read a lot of subtitles. Yea its been a very interesting year peoples. So lets sum it up shall we & hand out these 43 awards to those who deserve, & those that dont, & end up with the biggest anti climax of the year in handing out film of the year, which you all already know by now. I’ve been saying it since August. & look ive even found a picture with some gold leaf covered bits of popcorn whoooop me good.
Right lets start shall we…. Oh possible spoilers by the way…
43) My Personal Moment of the Year…
Winning the Jackpot at the monthly film quiz
So we go to a monthly film quiz & normally come lastor second to last, but i hit blind inspiration one week. The roll over Thunderball jackpot was upto £60.00 & i knew the answer & we won £60.00 between the four of us. Thankyou Michael Sheens dad for being a Jack Nicholson lookalike. Whoop One day i will thank you both.
42) Best Performance in an Otherwise Crap Film…
Olivia Coleman for The Favourite
Im sorry i didnt like the Favourite i didnt get it, it was crap. The only reason to watch it is to watch Olivia Coleman give an absolute masterclass. Shes one of our own & we just love her for it.
41) The Film We Didnt Actually Need in 2019…
Men In Black International
Seriously i forgot i saw this film, it was only when i was looking back through stuff that i realised i saw it & that it was just plain fine & average & nothing remarkable & was made to try & reboot it & we just didnt really need it if im honest. It was to get bums in the cinema in the summer for something that wasnt superheroes disney or horror basically.
40) Dullest Film of the Year…
If Beale Street Could Talk
Seriously so much staring & long shots that weren’t needed & draw our pauses which didnt create drama or just lacked anything. It was really boring & if im honest im not entirely sure i remember what happened in the majority of the film. It needed to be about 30 minutes shorter than it was. I just remember it dragging on alot.
39) Best Remake / Reboot Which isnt actually a direct sequel to something that has come before…
Detective Pikachu
What a film. Seriously so clever considering the subject matter. Really twisty, proper through back moments & something that were just oh wow. It was on my list for last year due to my childhood but i went & saw this film twice, to check how twisty it was. It was good.
38) The film that i liked that no one else in the entire world did or actually didnt even knew existed…
Ben is Back
the only people who know about this film are me, people who asked me about it, people in the same screening as me & those who made it. Not sure anyone else knows this is actually a thing, but it is & if you have the guts & strength to watch it, i seriously think you should go & hunt this film down.
37) How many films were considered for the golden buzzer before the it was handed out…
yes 8 films were possible buzzer worthy for film of the year. Remember you can only hit your golden buzzer once in a year, thats it you are stuck with it after that point. The 8 films were…
Stan & Ollie
Fighting with My Family
Captain Marvel
Avengers Endgame
The Lion King
Hobbs & Shaw
Youve got to wait now to see where it all ended up
36) Did i get 2019 right? How far down my list did i get…
Yes & almost completed
2 of my films that i missed for 2019 hitlist now have 2020 release dates. The other had a very limited uk release where the nearest cinema to me showing it was in Oxford… I live near Brighton… so that didnt happen. But yea id say i predicted 2019 quite well. Out of my top 5 films to see in 2019 3 of them ended up in my top 10 films of the year so yeah id say i called that quiet well
35) Best Ensemble /Cast Performance…
Avengers Endgame
So many people to write for without making anyone feel to left out & keep it true plus tell a story which constantly shifts & give everyone the correct ending they deserve, yea thats one hell of balancing act. & it works. Its amazing.
34) Best Freebie…
I won a competition from my local cinema, i now have a Tshirt for the film yesterday which i am going to wear as spring jammys. Its very very yellow, but its pretty darn cool.
33) Animal Performance in a film (in honour of the Swan from Hot Fuzz)… SSSSSSSSSSSWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN (sorry had to)…
The two dogs in John Wick chapter 3
I cant say Pikachu or Will Smiths Pidgeon, & the rat from Endgame probably is deserving, but those dogs in John Wick are amazing. I love them & they do go for the balls. Proper good action hero dogs.
32) Worst TV / DVD / Netflix film of the year…
Friday the 13th 8 Jason Takes Manhattan
oh god it was bad. Thats the worst film we have been given to watch for our film quiz, it really is. Like we were all rooting for one person in particular & they died the most ridiculous way. ITs 90 minutes i will never get back so therefore it deserves this horrific award.
31) Best film Genre…
Female Empowerment / underdog stories
There was alot of these this year & there were quite a few where i was sitting there going yes love show them whos boss prove your point. There were even some crap ones too which in theory had a good moral to them even if it didnt get the point across. I mean Aladdin wasnt about Aladdin it was about Jasmin that says a lot.
30) Animated / Kids / Family film of the Year…
Frozen 2
Toy Story 4 may have been the end of my early life entirely to say goodbye to my friends, & that Sheep is epic, but they werent frozen 2, which was stunning. It really was special & will stay with me for a while.
29)The Film I Will Never Look at in the Same Way Again After This Year…
The Greatest Showman
We went & saw Jackman put on his show in london which was amazing, however when he performed A Million Dreams, it was done via a dance & with a girl trying to sign her way through it while being bullied with Hugh signing back to her & then after that point her would always sign the end of his songs he was doing. I fell apart & my friend just grabbed my hand & told me it was all okay, & she was crying too. I now cant watch that part of the film without crying thinking about that dance.
28)The Mis Sold film that wasnt what they told me before i went in…
The Hustle
It was advertised as a heist film. I was not funny. It was not smart. It was not stylish. It just pissed me off & i just wish i hadnt wasted my time with it. Hustlers about the strippers was more of a heist film that this & was better for the female empowerment than this.
27) The award noone wants
Worst Cinema Film of the Year…
The Aftermath
Its bad. It didnt make me want to investigate world war 2 more. Neither relationship was believable. Kiera Knightly character was a spoilt bitch who basically needed it all to be sorted out with a punch to the face. Not even the sex was sexy. It all just felt awkward & i didnt enjoy it at all. Its the film i wish i hadnt seen the most.
26)The film i didnt get around to seeing in the cinema…
The Front Runner
Yep the one that got away that i would have had to have gone to Oxford to see. Its on sky cinema soon though so it will be off my to watch list soon. Such a shame that i couldnt quite yet get it done.
25) The Film i need to see in 2020…
Alot of you are currently scratching your head a that i can see. Jojo i have waited 18 months for. Tenet i have been waiting for since the end of Dunkirks award season. The next Nolan film is always the film i am most looking forward to seeing. Sorry Taika, i do love you but you are not Nolan.
24) Best Film Location i visited…
The Lido in Worthing for Stan & Ollie
Its literally a 10min drive away from my house. The pride in my facewatchign that & hearing them say welcome to worthing was huge. Im so happy we were being seen by all those academy members for consideration. I was going to say the flowers in leicester square but only about 10 of you will get that reference at all.10 popcorn points if you do, please message to say that you have.
23) Quote of the year…
Was it Something I Said?…
It was a really hard thing to chose from but, other than hiding in plain sight which was more of a thing than an actual line & the obvious, i thought id go for Ben being sarkey at everyone. & then just kicking the shit out of Jackson. Its brilliant.
22)Best Soundtrack…
Its Elton John Classics being redone & some new ones & Taron just nails it. How can you not love this. Its beautiful.
21) Best Song…
Holding Out For a Hero
Not for the song but for what it meant. If you ever get the chance to watch the Shiney Shrimps, wait for the end the film for the funeral scene for one of the best renditions of Holding Out For a Hero ever. Its amazing & i loved every single second of it. Anyone who doesnt just doesnt get the love & joy & pride in this film. Its perfect & that why it beats into the unknown.
20) Cried when i should have…
The last 30minutes of Avenger Endgame
oh man from that hug all the way to it fading to black is some of the most i have cried in the cinema. I knew after Infinity War i would blub at this film, i was prepped for that, but there were bits that were just so perfect. Your saying goodbye to people after 11 years. Its hard peoples.
19) Cried when i wasnt supposed too…
Yesterday the thankyou scene
When that door opens in yesterday for the reveal & for everything just to be so normal, that really got me it really did. Just to see how happy his life was & that he didnt need any of it. It also comes after a moment before where people were being nice to him as well. Its just perfect & i didnt think it would hit me so much. Probably because its a chance to say to people you miss one last goodbye & thankyou.
18) 2019 Trailer…
Hobbs & Shaw
It could of been star wars, it could of been the lion king, but nah its Hobbs & Shaw. Its so brilliantly honest & true & you know what your getting. It doesnt hide what you are getting you know whats coming from that.
17) 2020 trailer…
tied between No Time to Die & Tenet
It was originally going to be Jojo & then so many trailers came out last week that it was mad. Bond started it all off had a trailer release date & was all gadgets & gizmos & cool. But then that Tenet Trailer kept popping up before random films with no explanation as to why we were getting it. & then without forewarning Nolan just dropped the trailer the proper one & it was madness & i love it.
16) Person I wanted to Punch in the Face… for being such a convincing bad guy, but love them anyhow…
Richard E Grant
Richard E Grant has lived his best life this year, & not just for tweeting me. I wanted to punch him for both Can You Ever Forgive me for what he did (even though there was redemption near the end) & then in Star Wars too for what he did to Donall. Boooooooo Still love you Richard. You are still a legend.
15) Best Actor…
Adam Driver
As of awarding this i havent seen Marriage Story yet. However his performance i have seen this year have been the glue in the films to make them work. Rise of Skywalker is his story not Reys. & The Dead Dont Die well if you get a chance go see it people, hes just brilliant & ive never seen him give a performance like that in an otherwise okayish film. It really is something & he deserves a lot of recognition for what hes done this year.
14) Best Actress…
Florence Pugh
If you want to argue this with me i will prove you wrong on a lot of levels. She has stolen the show this year. She is in 2 of my favourite films of the year & i dont think thats a coincidence. Three completely different roles which are all so breathtaking. She is the future of acting happy days.
13) The Best Film to see on the Big Screen Popcorn Experience of the Year…
Hobbs & Shaw
Lots of you are probably yelling at me right now going where is Endgame or the Lion King or John Wick or Star Wars or Spiderman. But this was the popcorn madness film you wanted to see on the Big Screen. The noise the explosions the set up the style it is everything about going to see a box office film is all about. This is what Imax was built for not that ive ever been to one.
12) The Film that didnt match the hype or critics response…
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood…
I would like to say it is a good film & DiCaprio acts his arse off, however it was not what i was sold. It wasnt what i was expecting & i was just very underwhelmed & did enjoy it anywhere near as much as i thought i would. I wanted more from it.
11) The Film that exceeded & bettered the hype or critics response…
Star Wars Rise of Skywalker
Dont care i loved it. It had such a hard job to sort everything out & try & answer so many questions, & i cant wait to see it again. Everyone slagging it off i wrong. It maynot be a baby Yoda, but it was full of love & hope.
right here we go the biggies the awards everyone does want to win lets hand these out
10) Surprise Film of 2019 that you should all go & see…

One of the best coming of age films of the year. Brilliantly acted, so funny, so poignant. Olivia’s directing debut was stunning. I really left the cinema happy & thoroughly enjoyed this. When this is on your service or TV seriously take 2hours worth of time & make sure you check this out.
9) The Inspirational Fuck Me Thats Stunning Moment…
Well i said Florence was good. Seriously this is an amazing film. The reason why this has won was because of what happened at the cinema. Two older ladies where waiting to see this film & obviously they take it in turns to pick what they see each week & one of them wanted to see this because it had Vince Vaughn & had been directed by Stephen Merchant. At the end of the film as it was closing they were behind me going go on girl you can do it. & then when it was revealed it was real life they were like wow what an amazing young woman she is. If the film can inspire that reaction from people who know nothing about the story, then that has to win this award.
8) The Leonardo DiCaprio Award for Perseverance & Hard Work…

Endgame was her story to tell, so was Jumanji. Also with appearances in Stuber & Spies in Disguise shes put everyone else to shame & she so deserves this. What an amazing year to steal the show from films & characters which are more loved than you to then make you think that you are the bees knees.Not bad for a doctor’s sidekick.
7) The Film that hasnt won an award yet but deserves to win one award…

Tell me im wrong i dare you. Almost got the honour of being the film on 3rd April but didnt. What a scary chilling & provoking film. It was amazing & anyone whos seen it has probably watched horror films a different way since.
6) Lifetime Achievement Award…

Punch it Chewie. Dont think i need to say to much more. A man who helped shape so many peoples lives. He will be missed.
5) I stole the show Award…

It my awards i can do what i want. It almost went to Chris Evans Jumpers in Knives Out but no. Tha Sheep & his heard in Farmageddon who dont say an entire word stole my heart & deserve this award. & i dont care what you all say he deserves it.
4) Super Hero or Unsung Hero of the year award…

Im not going obvious with a super hero this year (it would have been Ben for portraying Talos tho incase you were wondering) but Felicity Jones was stunning in the Aeronauts. She had more guts & courage than anyone with super serum or powers had this year & she was willing to risk it all knowing what the outcome would be. & That is what real heros do.
3) DVD / TV / Netflix Film of the Year Award…

I have watched a lot of films on tv etc over the year it was a good year to play catch up, but considering that come July i had no idea this film existed & now its one of my favourite films of all time. Best mockumentry ever. Its so funny, but so honest & would be exactly how you would expect this to be in the modern world with Vampires. Jermain & Taika have made a masterpiece.
2) Cinema Film of the Year Award…

This is basically the award for coming second in the film of the year list. I still think about this film quite a bit & i think it may have scared me for life, but its amazing & i couldnt take my eyes off it & i cant wait to watch the extended cut of it. Thanks for the recommendation Steph it was amazing
huge anti climax…

I said she was here to save us all & she is. Seriously i always feel happy watching this. Its empowering, its original, it fits with the rest of the MCU. It was so much better than i thought it was going to be & i love it so much. Seriously Marvel hit it out of the park this year, i mean ive not even mentioned spiderman in these awards at all really, but in some years far from home would easily be the best MCU film & this year its not even getting a look in. This is the best MCU film ever made. Don’t hate me for that peoples i am right.
& that was the 2019 Popcorn For One Film Awards
Thanks for spending about an hour reading peoples. I hope youve found out some very interesting stuff here which might make you think oh thats the film for me im looking at that one, or might put you off.
Remember as much as what i say is right (which it is) Film & opinions are all subjective.
Heres to an epic 2020 at the cinema. Love you all