Spoilers ish I dunno really any more guess it all depends in which order you watch maybe that is a spoiler in itself
Yes a franchise is worse at ordering it’s films than any other franchise really. Prequels followed by origins & then originals in the future than the current day then time travel. Yea that confused me too. But this review isn’t about the franchise it’s about the first one.
I do love the fact that classic British Shakespearean actors are always draw to do sci-fi or comics it’s quite funny when you think about it. Having said that sir Ian McClellan & Patrick Stewart are the films glue both having amazing performances. It’s not there fault that after 40mins you work out what’s going to happen but they still play it out fantastically.
That being said Hugh Jackman oh what a man oh that man. Wolverine is a beast, and is just oh god. Yea im a fan. Even though hes not using his Aussie accent in this, i still wouldn’t mind him using those claws 🙂
If Professor X was as smart as he thought he was why couldnt he work out all along that Magneto wanted Rogue? Like seriously, when he realises there one called Wolverine, hes not that interested in him is he. I know then we get the fight at the train station, and the built catching scene, but still he should have worked it out.
Mystique poisoning Professor X was good to, again why couldnt he read her mind to see that, and also why couldnt she when she was him put on the hat to get the information Magneto wanted. yes her transformations are cool, especially at the end when there are two Wolverines who fight each other, but lets be honest she could have been smarter with her power.
Surly by plugging Rouge into that machine wouldnt have given everyone Mutant powers she would have absorbed all their life am i right? & it just so happens that she had previously tried to kill Wolverine by taking his healing powers then, in order for him to save her at the end. Also there relationship is a little creepy anyone else think that.
Halle Berry, James Marsden and Framke Janssen roles are ok but you always get the feel that they were just after thoughts. It was like they wanted to make a Wolverine film, but had to make all of xmen first in order to make the Wolverine. You dont learn much about them at all.
Why is it always a senator in these films, seriously isnt there someone else powerful you could kidnap that then escapes to send a message and then dies?
Some films iv reviewed on here, iv said its a shame they made more as the original was the best, but this one really does feel like the set up for the rest of the franchise to get a Wolverine film made. Standing alone its alright but as far as the franchise its a good set up, just needed a bit more back story. If your making a franchise give us a bit more of a set up.