So im back from my parents after watching the football tonight & i want something fun & chill that i dont need to concentrate on. & Im just feeling Will Ferrell & Basketball. I remember watching this film all the time as a teenager & finding it so random & funny. I know now as a person who loves film im going to find bit of this so cringe, but maybe my memories for the film will be stronger. Lets see shall we.
Okay its not aged well, but i think some of that is because of the decade the film is set in, the 70s. I mean im sure not all people in the 70s were like that, i mean it is a film & its the extreme of it all but still. Also it is very American, the whole attitudes about certain things, language used, Vietnam & the references. I mean its about basketball for crying out loud, no uk film based on the 70s would be about basketball.
Will Ferrell is good, i mean its not Anchorman good but its bloody good. I mean its start of all being about him & his song & his team but then as the film grows he becomes less important until the end when he has his epiphany & changes basketball forever. I am 90% sure tho that he ups his game due to Woody Harrelson who is so awkward & in this for the money to start with but there are point in the film where he actually looks like hes enjoying it & the film even references at one point when they are playing a game & he actually is asked if hes enjoying it & he goes shhhh dont tell anyone & at that point you are believing that actually he is in this more than just his pay day.
You guys can trust me, im like Bambis mother…. she got shot didnt she… who the fucks bambi? I mean theres mad film conversations but that one is always so funny that they have the whole conversation & then he just pipes up as hes never seen the film & has no idea whats going on, brilliant.
I wish you were still a fucking washing machine, another epic line. seriously brilliant. while all the other guys are throwing up hes still going is hes never been sick in his life. I mean the closing image of that of him being sick all over the two of them isnt a nice one even if its just in your own mind.
I love Father Pat, hes put through hell. But when he says Jackie’s mum didnt go to heaven is a proper oooooh you didnt moment. I mean walking off the basketball court & forfeiting the game is an extreme reaction but still. his mama wasa saint tho.
All the promos are epic, the hoop shoot ( go dukes give him his money { a bank with a big cheque department}) corn dogs, jumping the ball girls, wrestling a bear (which as much as its fun is the weirdest bit of the film by far) & the mega bowl. But the best is still when they are all in fancy dress practicing choreography & not basket ball & then its about 30misn later when you actually see the dance & then you go oh yea fucking sea horses.
the fight during the time out & adverts is amazing & how everyone get involved & then it just cuts back to them & they are all just walking off like nothing had happened. i mean they all do properly kill each other, all because their eyeliner runs. & in the fall out i know hes pissed but surly you would check whos car you are going to kick before realising its a police car.
so is her boy friend really that stupid that Monix moved to flint to get back with his ex? i mean why would you date someone who then loves you ex for their sporting achievement & is like your number one fan, thats weird. I mean not as weird as him getting off on them getting off. Didnt need to see that, its a low moment for the film.
Love me sexy is a dodgy song, but the back track to it is epic & so cool, its just a shame its love me sexy, which he ends up admitting he stole. At least his mum in heaven forgave him.
The merch & the calendars oh good.
I spend most seasons watching sport starting off going well 4th place equals European football so them all desperately after fourth place just felt right. & then when their dream is stripped away by saying even if they get 4th they will still dismember is very sad. IT really is a downer.
When he meets his mum in heaven its madness, but it jus fits with the rest of the film & you laugh but also just accept that his mum is black. ITs wrong of course based on the rest of the film but still you just go with it & then she gives them the new way to score.
I love that he walks out on the Spurs & the NBA to be with his mates & at the end they see that new move & the loyalty & decide to re hire him thats brilliant. as much as getting 4th was the dream & the ending we all wanted him getting in the NBA was the ending we all wanted.
There are too many quotes to quote i could be here for about 3 weeks writing them all.
The whole fondue scene is madness. Like there are no words to explain what happens there, the references the jive turkey & the Russian roulette where they do end up getting shot. Its redisclose but again it just works & fits the rest of the film.
The free throws…. oh god especially in slow mo… Its so cringe.
If someone now asked for money to make this film theyd go nope no way thats just so wrong & dodgy & weirds, but in 2008 with Ferrell on the rise & the way its done & the whole vibe, its does just work. Its not Anchorman or Semi Pro but its a bloody blast & i still laugh from the opening montage to the end when the bear attacks & Dukes gets his money. I spent my satuday evening well.