Time for one of the greatest movies of all time, one of the first films i remember properly being able to quote word for word which wasnt an animation. Seriously if you havent seen this film please do. Its just everything
Popcorn Synopsis for you all
Will Thacker lives & works in Notting Hill. He has a flatmate who isnt the brightest person in the world, & owns a travel bookshop at the end of the portobello road. Anna Scott is the worlds most famous SciFi actress who lives in beverly hills. One day by coincidence she goes into Wills shop who trys to treat her as much as a normal person as possible, while she tries to hide from the press & fans without making a scene. He then literally bumps into her 10minutes later, spilling his juice down her & takes her back to his flat, where she gets changed & thanks him & leaves, but kisses him on the way out. Will is then invited by Anna to her Hotel a few days later, only to be put into a press junket. She apologizes for kissing him which breaks his heart, which is already falling apart as hes getting divorced. Realising shes being stuck up & stubborn about all of this, she agrees to go with him to his sister birthday dinner that night. His sister honey has a massive freak out thats shes there, while one other guest doesnt put two & two together & doesnt realise she is that Anna Scott. Anna & Will start seeing each other more regularly, but its only when she invites Will back to her hotel that he meets her Boyfriend. Will leaves & is then sent on lots of blind dates. Anna then one morning turns up at Wills house, as there are some graphic photos of videos of her, from when she was younger circulating. Will after being a gentleman to Anna all day, eventually proves his worth & after telling spike not to have sex with her, Will then finally does. However Spike told a few people in the pub that Anna was staying & the worlds press arrive, Anna tell Will she will regret this forever. months later when the group of friends are all setting there lives right & Will is apologising for being miserable, he finds out Anna is filming in london. Will over hers Anna say that its awkward that hes there, so when she arrives at the book shop to properly ask him out & apologise, he turns her down. After telling the friends about this Spike says hes a daft prick & they all race across london to various different hotels & press conferences. Will joins the junket & asks anna for forgiveness & apologizes. Anna is then asked if she is staying in the uk & says indefinitely & the worlds press go mad. The two end up married & with a baby on the way still living in notting hill
well bugger writing all that out for a bunch of bananas
Can we first of all just point out the huge elephant in the room with this film. How the hell can he afford that house in notting hill when no one ever goes to that bookshop & he has a member of staff? even in the 90’s thats bloody impossible. Yes hes got a lodger, yes he probably purchased it in the 80s maybe actually probably not, but no nope nope nope is he surviving on that. Fuck off film. That is my only problem with this film. The rest of it is damn near perfection.
Im just going to give you some quotes…
Theres something wrong with this yogurt… its mayonnaise… ah i see (continues to eat it)
i once knew a girl called pandora… never got to see her box tho…
Love isnt love without a violin playing goat
You know what they say about men with big feet… erm no i dont… big feet large… shooooeeeessss?
James Bond doesnt have to put up with this sort of shit
Bugger this for a bunch of Bananas
Do you mind if i… slip her one?SPIKE!
You Daft Prick
Oopsy daisys
Never trust a vegetarian
I mean this review could just be full of epic quotes from the film but im going to stop there. But i seriously do think i use bugger this for a bunch of bananas at least once a week.
I have missed out the iconic one obviously.
The fame things not real you know, i mean after all… Im just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her
seriously one of the most romantic lines in all of cinema. Its properly moving & lovely & can melt even the blackest cold heart. Well it melts all his friends hearts & makes him change his mind.
The friends are the core of the film. I love the fact that they all have there little quirks but are all just so normal like the rest of us. & Hugh Bonneville Bernie being shit at his job & not knowing anything about the world & then just treating Anna as a normal person until they have to tell him who she actually is. The brownie scene is really good too, because as a group of friends you do all have that conversation & it was really nice to see it be on screen. It gets properly dark as well with some stories. & then her attempt which makes them all feel sorry for Anna & makes them realise that she is an actual person & not just a famous face, thats brilliant.
The best bit of that scene though is when they leave & they all go mad & freak out. You would though. No matter how cool you played that evening you would so freaked out. Trust me shoulder charging seb coe made me freak out so having someone like that in your house would just make me go ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I love how the friends also all get drunk together & then all put there differences aside against Anna to help Will get the girl. This isnt a boy met girl love story, this is a film about friendship & that together you can achieve anything & put the world to right.
The changing of the seasons walking down the market is so iconic & a beautiful way to show how time moves forward & changes yet we stay the same. It comes straight after a horrific gut punch to the feels too when she walks out on him. It really does show that mending the heart takes longer than it does in the movies ironically.
Honeys engagement to Spike is brilliant. The fact that he has no idea its him until after shes announced it & then goes by the way its you & his reply back is groovy. That really is pure true love right there & then.
Oh shit i forgot this earlier but oh well. When the worlds press arrive at the house & they all get pictures & then Spike goes outside & las it up & at the end of it goes NICE FIRM BUTTOCKS! I always cry with laughter at that bit.
Speaking of the press both the press junket at the start & the one at the end are just amazing. Such brilliant viewing & looking at the madness of it all. It really is good. Especially at the end with the improvised line about Horse & Hound which noone else in the room knew was going to be said.
I’ve realised i am Hugh Grant. I take my glasses to certain cinemas… ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
We also need to discus all those blind dates he has. I mean the fruitarian is brilliant, you know not even Vegan. Thats brilliant. Oh those poor murdered carrots. They are all fab dates. It also ties in nicely to the earlier reference to Anna when shes a vegetarian but still eats the dinner he made for her.
I always forget Alec Baldwin is in this film, its a blink & you miss it moment but when he turns up i always go oh fuck its Alec Baldwin. No matter how many times i see it at all.
The restaurant with all those sleesy guys where she basically shows them all up is amazing. I wish i had the guts to say that to people. I sometimes say it internally but never out loud. God i wish i had the courage. Maybe thats whats being a $20mil movie star can get you.
Oh im going to stop typing & put the film on again. & i think you should too. Any film that ends with the closing line being INDEFINITELY is the film for me. It really is a heartwarming hug that does just make you want to sit on the sofa with a large glass of wine & go awwwwwwwwwwwwww.
If youve not seen it peoples please please do.