Back to back cinema day… whoop however today has been one hell of a shock for the film community today.
Today is March 4th, pre sale for No Time To Die started on monday. We have had a family discussion to decide this weekend to see when we are all free to see it (April 3rd hopefully) & we are all so hyped for it. But the world is in a strange place right now & Covid 19 has meant that James Bond has been delayed, until November.
I know i should be calm about this & i do completely understand, however i am very livid & angry at this. I’m trying so hard not to be, but i feel like i’ve waited forever for this & for it to be so close & then snapped away. It will be very interesting to see if anything else follows suit going forward. At the moment here in the UK things are alright so it will be interesting.
Huge Kudos to my odeon though. The news broke as i got to my cinema & in the time it took me to watch this film every single Bond Related poster in my Odeon had gone including the massive 3D cardboard cut out. Good on them. It was everywhere too.
Screen 2 had enough people in it id say half full. I was more pissed off though that someone was in my seat. WHAT THE HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL NononNONONONONO you dont do that. Thats my hiding spot for horror films.
Trailers were A Quiet Place Part 2 (YEYEEYYEYE), The Hunt (if on at the right time yes) Antebellum ( i think thats right prob a no tho) Fantasy Island (nope looks a bit crap) & The Girl in the Window (that looked cool what a cast as well). See i dont often do horror so when i do its interesting to see what they advertise & whats still to come.
& then the film started… Oh Wow… like wow wow. Yea thats one hell of a film.
That was some proper edge of your seat jumpy paranoia shit going on & i loved every single second of it. Seriously if your going to do horror do it like this please where its so twisted & plays with your mind. This is the horror i like. If that makes me a bad person im sorry. It was just so tense.
It was so cleverly done as well. You just sat there going well is there someone in that room. You were really looking & thinking okay so what have i missed what makes this obvious. I mean there were times where it was obvious people where there who werent but there were some when it really did allude to someone being there, where you just sat there going okay but where. Some of the revels at times were really omg moments that made you jump or look away. You were hunting for easter eggs which didnt exist & thats why its bloody good.
Elizabeth Moss was amazing considering for the majority of the film shes acting to no one or someone in a green suit who it going to be edited out & covered up. It made it all the more convincing as you were as scared & on edge as she was. Well done girlie.
Sorry spoiler kinda, but i didnt like the fake ending & was properly pissed at it & was like no were not ending like this no no no no & then when it wasnt & it was the ending the film deserved, i wanted to jump out of my seat at the cinema & go fucking get in there. It nailed the ending. I went from being properly let down by the film to overwhelming joy that they ended it correctly. See films you can get it right.
Theres one scene of a footprint marking the carpet to show hes there & thats bloody brilliant. That cleverer than him breathing behind her in my opinion. We knew the foot was coming we just wanted to oh my moment of it.
I reckon theres a lot of clues early on in the film i missed. Im sure on watch two i will be like oh so thats why that was important or we looked at that for longer. Im sure ill be screaming at the tv while the rest of the house goes oh i dont get it.
We also need to stop kicking over metal objects in horror films when its so quiet. Its fuckign scary stop it now.
Im going to stop typing now & say that you should all get to seeing this as soon as you can. Its one of those films that really heightens your senses & gets you fully involved in it. Its kinda special.
Maybe there is hope for the dark universe yet… Perhaps the invisible man has saved it.
Im up for hiding behind my scarf more often.