Monday Cinema just feels right at the moment, its a good way to start the week off, to just immerse yourself in a film & go oh wow. So today that is happening the the Cumberbatch, i mean its got to be good if hes in it.
Well it looked for quite a while i was just going to be me & my iced tea in the cinema but about 5 mins before it started various couple & groups all aged from mis 30s to later 60s arrived. I was defiantly the youngest person there to see this. We will get back to them later…
Trailers, the Night House (weird not sure if i will or not), Shang Chi, (I will) People just do nothing (ive never seen any of the tv show so prob not) & Candy Man (probably not). I mean thats a real mixed bag of films isnt it. Oh the Nest as well.
& then the film started… & it was okay but the film was ruined by stuff happening in the cinema, so i wasnt 100% concentrating.
So before each film starts it goes please dont look at your phone or talk loudly during it. So there was a couple in the row front of me who whispered for the first 15mins to each other & then when it got going only whisper chatted when shit went down. That you can just about cope with they kept it quiet & then started to watch the film. However they were saints compared to the couple of the other side of the cinema who were talking quite loudly to each other & it wasnt even about the film. So when there were moments of silence to build suspense & tension, everyone could hear them talk about there friends pregnancy. After about half an hour almost all of the cinema was going shh at them & a bit of tutting. They one of them went omg at a point where nothing happened in the film at about the hour mark & we all loudly went SHHHHHHHHHHHH! I kept going. Someone then went to the loo & a cineworld person came in & looked at them to see who it was. about 2mins later someone else in non cineworld clothes came & sat down & was there for 5mins while they kept there loud chatter up. They then left & came back with 2 members of cineworld staff & asked them to leave to which the woman yelled out quite loudly i hope you are all happy with yourselves before stropping off shouting. So i enjoyed the last 35 mins ofthe film when they had left, but yea that kinda ruined the film for me. You are not at home watching netflix youve paid £8 each to see this film & youve brought popcorn so your evening out has cost at least £25 so just be quiet. Wankers.
anyhow film chat now, with what i could actually listen & pay attention too.
It was a quite slow film to build the tension which it did do well, but at points it was a little oh this again okay, come on get to it. I mean i was worried each time someone went to moscow & london, if they were going to make it or not. It was very dramatic & cleverly done.
The Cumberbatch as always was fantastic, hes not Hanks or even Ruffalo level, but hes getting there. If you need someone to portray someone from history & do it with gravitas you get Cumberbatch. Buckly was good too, her emotions were spot of for a house wife at the time. bur Ninidre had the most heavy lifting as the Russian & he was very convincing, more convincing than anyone at MI6 or CIA. They werent that good.
I lost count of the number of dinners everyone went to in this film, did Brad Pitt sort out the food budget? HE loves food in a film.
The blackmail at one of the dinners was good & chilling & quite scary & i did actually sit there & think you know what yeah what would you do in that situation, who or what would you go to first.
The bit before the end was very dramatic & you really did feel for them, but it basically was what you expect to happen in that situation. Not very nice to watch but you couldn’t keep your eyes off it.
If the Cumberbatch wasnt in this it would have been an average film, but his stunning performance holds everything together & makes it watchable. Im sure i would have abetter opinion if half of it wasnt talked through, so the film has suffered due to those in attendance. Its worth a watch but once you have you will prob go yep ive seen that now what was next on my watch list.