Hmmmm well it’s got Domhnall in it so that should make this bearable… I’m shouting it down all ready & we’ve not even got into preamble about it. Come on girl be positive it might be good.
Traffic getting to & from town all week has been hell properly hell. So i thought lets delay a drive home this week again & go to the cinema to see Peter Rabbit. It cant be as bad as what would be my drive home right.
Had a very nice walk along the beach first not rain snow or too windy which must be a first for 2018. It was very nice. Got all the way to the i360 & back before the film started.
Screen one had about 15 other people in there all family groups, did feel a little odd being the only adult on my own in there. But one of the family’s did have teenage kids as part of their group so.
Im really worried for the state of children’s films moving forward. None of those trailer look appealing at all not one (well except the incredibles 2 one but thats not a kids film that for my generation). The only advert that was any good at all was season 2 of Lemoney Snicket, which looks epic. Really need to convince the parents we should get netflix, just for that, Mute & Drag Race. No other reasons just those three.
& then the film started… & it was distinctly average. It really really was.
First of all let talk the controversy about the film & the blackberry’s shall we (you’ve all seen the news so its not a spoiler & if you say it is man up). First of all these an in joke about allergy’s, then there a we dont want any letters of complaints, then its not just Blackberry’s they through its all fruit, also its not Peter who throws it & he uses an epipen & then is fine. I see nothing wrong with that part of the film at all. None absolutely none. If you complained about that you need your head sorted, especially when hes trying to kill the animals & they are trying to kill him. Get some standards & stop complaining about that. argh!!! right anyhow on with the review.
Not even Mr Gleeson could save this film. He gave a good performance but he just was the only one trying (& they died his hair black wtf). You know make those rabbits more animated than what they were. More personality from the CGI department on the creatures please. & The love story nah it wouldnt have worked.
The animated Pig was good though. Really really good.
The film was desperately caught in-between two cinematic worlds. It wanted to be a kids film, a sweet tale about some mischievous bunnies, but it also wanted to be an adult kids film to go over the kids heads, but it didnt have enough of those moments to make it that. There were funny bits but not enough to keep you gripped & kids would have just been going sorry what was that.
Its just stuck in a gray meh kinda place. It hasn’t done much to make the next generation want more or to read the old books. But i also haven’t gone home & gone where my old tea set i got for my christening with Peter Rabbit on it.
It had so so much potential to do so well this film, but it just missed all its marks. Yes there are good morals in there but at the end of the day, it just didnt do it. Distinctly average. Sorry children’s cinema you’re back to playing catch up with the rest of the film world again.
Or maybe its just Sony animations maybe they are just a little bit shit.