JOJO RABBIT WON A FUCKING OSCAR! okay it wasnt best picture & didnt win me £8.50 but it did. It was best Adapted Screenplay for Taika Waititi. TAIKA WAITITI IS AN OSCAR WINNER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so stupidly proud of that man. I feel like me going on about this for so long has helped a small amount to get this on peoples radar & i am so happy that us ducklings have helped to do this. It really did make me scream at my phone at 6:45 in the morning.
So with that being said & my odeon showing it at the correct time on a friday after a really meh week at work, it was nice to go & see it for the third time. Look its valentines day, i should spend it with the people if love… Waititi & Rockwell.
There was about 30 people in screen 6 to see this at 5pm on a friday after its been out for nearly 6 weeks, thats bloody good still. It was either people playing catch up or were like me watching it for multiple viewings. This is only the second film i have seen in the cinema three times by the way peoples.
Trailers were Dark Water, No Time To Die, Greed, Emma. & Downhill. Along way from that first screening with all those other oscar films being promoted isnt it.
& then the film started… & yes i still do have stuff to say about this gift of a film but if you want to see what ive said previously these links may help. https://popcornforone.co.uk/cinema-club/cinema-club-jojo-rabbit/
I also need to reminde myslef that just bacuse im so comfortable with this film now that this is still a cinema club review & not to hand out any spoilers.
Sam Rockwell made me cry uncontrollably, he always does make me cry in this film, but there was something about it today that just made me fall apart completely. I couldnt stop either i just cried throughout the entire last 10minutes of the film. I know it then gets emotional again but i just couldn’t control it.
I was also already holding my scarf from the earlier emotional break down which i picked up to comfort me. I had forgotten my tissues so wanted a suport blanket & my scarf is massive but even that couldnt help me. Im not sure i actually have any more tears to cry over this film. Im sure that i do, but its stupid how it makes you laugh & then cry so much.
I never noticed that the butterfly (yes that butterfly) is suddenly all over his room & its the most important thing in the world. I understand that but its everywhere & its beautiful.
The kitchen rant i’ve looked into (god thats hard to google without mi6 or the FBI looking into it {hi guys i know your reading this, its got trigger words in it} but i managed to) & it is word perfect to Hitler & is even scarier now i know it. Please dont shout at me Taika, i will do what you want.
When i have red wine at home now, i do say im just chewing on my grapes. The rest of the table to look at me very oddly, but i dont care. The table can be switzerland for all i care.
The swimming bit is underrated a lot, its really funny but has a lot of foreshadowing in it for whats going to happen.
German Shepherds still make me laugh a lot, & then the stare afterwards.
& Taika drawings are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful in that book. I really want him to do a doodle for me, he wont but you know i can ask.
This film gives me butterflies of love in my stomach & just fills me with love & joy & wonder & pride & just everything. & i am so proud as to how well its done in award season & how many people have seen this film because of me rabbiting on about it.
It really is time to tell the world about the joy of JoJo Rabbit & Taika Waititi. Tenet going to have to be fucking special to beat this to the golden buzzer.
Life is a gift & we must celebrate it. For dancing is for people who are free.