& for the last bank holiday & cinema trip of 2022 its time to go & see Whitney. Yes time to try not to sing & dance to this at the cinema. Its gonna be hard it really is, but this is hopefully going to be a very fab way to end 2022 at the cinema a bit of feel good. Also its a reason to get out of the house for sure.
For the 27 December at 1pm, i think everyone had a similar idea. ITs not full but theres at least 3 people in each side of the isle. Mainly millennials too, everyone is escaping the in-laws obviously. I mean my parents basically went were picking up grandma youve got to leave by this time so… yea that was interesting to see.
Trailers, Til (booked up for next week) Otto (probably next week) Magic Mike (yes) & THE NEW OPPENHIMER TRAILERS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO EXICITED FOR THAT FILM
& then the film started… & as far as musical biopics you could do a lot lot worse, but there is better out there. But this doesnt get to much wrong at all.
Naomi is brilliant as Whitney. Her mannerisms are fantastic & the way she struts & stands is spot on. She absolutely nailed it. There is one issue tho. She doesnt sing. I mean i completely get it i really really do. Whitney’s voice is iconic & incredible. So no one can really match her, but maybe a few more notes as her & then going into Whitney would have been good at points. I always feel a little short changed, when they do that. You know Taron sang as Elton peoples… It lessens the impact of the over all film.
No one can ever diss the Tucci, as always brilliant, as the manager & he wasnt the usual evil manager you expect in this film, he just worked & was the influence she needed. Loved his performance & was really freaked out that he had hair at points. The Tucci? Hair? Ahhhhhhhhh
It was hard not to sing along at points, i mean it was good music, its Whitney after all, but it was still toe tapping.
Some bits were done so cleverly, & a 90s cameo i was not expecting. The way some bits were styled or done were very clever & interesting to see. It felt organic at times like we were looking back at the 80s or 90s. They got it right.
We didnt need to see that scene before it all ends if you get me, i was like no no no. I mean it made sense from the part before, but no we didnt need that. We all know what happens, dont show her in her vulnerability before that moment.
I welled up a few times & there was once that a few tears did actually fall from my eyes. Especially during the last scene, which is always that iconic performance, which she rocked & proved what fame was like.
It didnt hide from the power it had about abuse, domestic & substance throughout the film. It could have gone further, but this film didnt actually need it to go any further, but it could have easily glossed over it & not acknowledge it at all. So well done movie.
There is a super bowl scene tho which was absolutely amazing. I got Goosebumps watching that going omg thats spot on, thats exactly what happened. They got that so right, so so right.
It felt rushed at times but it was 2h20 long, how is that the case… seriously. It was like ahh we got to talk about this then leap forward in time ahhh. Yea it didnt pace itself very well.
Overall i had a good time & enjoyed it, but it could have been so so soooooo much better. I mean the songs still slap & i left smiling but was it a good film or told me anything i didnt already know about not really. I wanted to be shocked at points.