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& suddenly after not going to the cinema for nearly 2 weeks to 5 in very quick succession & a busy home life seeing people & doing stuff means i have a lot to write up. But hey its fun, its bloody good fun. So its time to see if Elvis can do justice to the legacy behind it.

10:10am showing on a sunday, im mad, but not that mad theres about another 20 people in the screening with me, which is nice. I am definitely the youngest person here tho. Altho i did have an odd moment earlier. I was buying coffee at starbucks & when they called out my name i went to go get it & a guy went hang on & i stopped before i took it & he went, oh sorry its just you have my daughters name & she likes that coffee too. I said oh if this is hers i can wait for mine, he said oh no shes not here, shes didnt want to see lightyear, she doesnt think its cool at the age of nine. So there is a 9 year old girl somewhere in sussex who like almond lattes whos called Emily… happy days. I mean it could have been more awkward if i had ordered a Pedro Pascal & then hed said ahh thats her favourite drink, that would have been weirder.

Sorry i digressed… Trailers were Thor (i cant not laugh when Taika says get your popcorn kids), fishermans friends 2 (really were doing that again but without Daniel Mayes…) Where the Crawdads sing (ive got an unlimited booking for this) & then for the first time ive seen the trailer for it on the big screen Dont Worry Darling… ahhhhhhhhhhhhh… ive really got to plan when to see that so theres not loads of people screaming at Harry havent i. Im going as a Florence Stan peoples.

& then the film started…. Ohh this is a lot a lot a lot of film & i loved all the different parts of it.


Okay lets break that all down slightly.

If you’ve ever watched a Baz film you know what i mean when i say it was SO BAZ. You just get it. His vibrant party out of the screen leaping style works with this & it just rocks & rolls itself around & you sit there fully engrossed. So there it works.

The Music, be it the Elvis songs, the remixes, the score, any other songs in the film. It all worked. Especially when we got to that TV special, i loved that. It takes up a good chunk of the movie & i really enjoyed it & the power struggle & the music & the style throughout but that part was lush.

Everyone knows about Elvis, if you dont you must be under the age of 5. So the bits i knew i thought were well told & were well shoot. I know a lots been made about Austins method acting but there were points where i was sat there watching it going, are we sure this isnt actually Elvis. Less so at the start but the more it got going the more Elvis took over. He Nailed it. Stunning.

Hanks also did nail it, however it hard to watch him as a villain. Hes a bloody legend & him playing someone dodgy i just couldnt believe. I mean maybe it was the covid he caught, however i still enjoyed it. I also think its good to say before you see the film that this film is through his eyes on his death bed looking back at his life. Otherwise you might be a bit like hang on whats going on, isnt this an Elvis film.

Other than the TV special, those vegas shows were all so epic, they really were. The other bit that was like oh wow was the airport scene, that was really well acted. Away from all the rasmtas & showbiz lifestyle, it was nice to just pause for a few minutes, & remember they were just normal people.

Kodi Smitt McPhee was in it for all of 10mins at the start living his best life. Grooving to Elvis. Happy days.

I did learn a few things i didnt know about Elvis watching this, i mean i know its ramped up & changed & adjusted to make it more dramatic at points (its a film thats what it does) but i still enjoyed that.

There was some lush cinematography too, all Baz Style obviously. It was effortlessly whacky & crazy & just worked & set everything up for every shoot.

2h30 is a long run time i know, but it flew by it really really did.

So yea im sold. If your cinema still has this please go see it. If it doesnt wait for now tv or prime & enjoy it. Make sure youve got good speakers. It will knock your socks off.

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