Oh iv seen far too many films in the last few weeks but this is what iv been waiting for. The hype & reviews is making me think I making me think it’s not going to live up to the expectations.
It’s nearly full here wow not many seats left & the adverts are nearly done wow.
There was nearly 40mins worth of adverts WTF the films long too it was 8:20 before I left the cinema for a half 5 film.
I did have to grab someone’s leg & tell them there’s a second end credit scene & they actually thanked me once it had been on.
Now I’m sure the trailers were good. But if I’m honest I don’t remember them for one particular reason…
That’s the best MCU film I have ever seen.
It was brilliant epic fantastic surprising & inspiring. It just was stunning.
Phase 3 is so set up it’s unbelievable there’s going to be so many more twists to come.
If you are into superheros & marvel go see it. If you like action films go see it. If your into films with Shit loads going on go see it.
Basically what are you all doing sitting on your sofa or train reading this. Go and watch Civil War right now go book it up people.
If it wasn’t for the fact there is a Bourne Film coming out in the summer I’d be tempted to hit my best film of the year buzzer. But I’m reserving the right to do that at the moment.
What a film bring on the rest of Phase 3.