I have been waiting a long time for this a very long time for this. Since the moment it was rumoured 4 years ago that the Cumberbatch was joining the MCU iv been waiting.
Usually when I go see a film at 5 after work I play count how many people are at the cinema you know theres usually about 20 of us… this time it was count the empty seat. There were only 5 empty seats i could see. Wow what a turn out, yes it was opening day & meercat movies & half term, but wow thats good.
All 4 film trailers i want to go & see the film for, Fantastic Beasts, Passengers, Logan( which looked really good) & of course Rouge One which ive only just realised its the bloke from four lions how stupid am i.
I also want to fly with which ever plane Jennifer Aniston was on that looked good even Coach class.
so film time, and after all the waiting & patience, it was so worth it.
Ok were not talking Civil War or Winter Soldier or Guardians here, but it was a solid origins story with lots of laughs & some quite dark stuff too. It felt like this was the start of phase three more than civil war.
when i came home my sister asked me if all i saw was Benedict & not the character (as you know its the cumberbatch for fuck sake hes hot), but honestly no i didnt it helps that he puts on an american accent & yes there are the witticisms but you get that in all MCU films. But he nailed it. He was the perfectly stubborn ego-tistical anti hero who saves the world. Reminds me of some bloke called Stark?!?!
Rachel McAdams was good but not in it for long enough im sure she will be in more MCU to come. Tilda Swinton & Mad Mikkelsen were solid too, shame that we just got to know & root for a good MCU villain before they were taken from us again.
Chiwetel Ejiofor ( try saying that after 5 vodkas) was good but i just saw him as a side kick & then we get to the 2nd end credit scene( i will get to the first in a sec) & i completely wanted to know more about his character & what was going to happen in those 2mins than for his whole performance in the rest of the film.
so as i said to credit scenes people (dont leave like half of our cinema did wtf! seriously youve gone to a marvel film stay behind) The first has got me excited for Thor a lot and awful fucking lot, like why do i have to wait a year for this film its just unfair.
Wongs sense of humour is epic, i mean wow i love that man.
Also giving you the wifi password as they arent savages brilliant.
They stole some of Christopher Nolans stunts, but didnt do it themselves but with CGI. should of spent the money on doing it properly.
I love that cape its epic.
I really really really enjoyed this film. Its got me looking forward to the rest of phase 3 as after civil war i thought everything else was going to be an anti climax. Nope theres hope for the next 3 years… so whens guardians out people…