Same Screen, Same Seat, 2 days in a row again. So much so that the person who scanned my ticket went werent you here yesterday at this time. Yes i was lovie.
Now that Nobody is out it & a quiet place swap its run times with each other each day as they both run for the same amount of time so lets do this shall we.
There was about 30 people in the cinema on the hotest day of the year so far to see this at 6pm there was an old couple (they were older than my parents) who couldn’t find there seats which we all tried to help them with. When we all left after the film the woman went well you not picking next time that was too full on for me. But over all id say my age was the average early 30s to 40s were here to see this.
Trailers, In the Earth again nah still nope. Black Widow, yes yes yes is it July yet. Hitmans Wifes Body Guard next week probably rest of the family have said they will send me to feed back to them to see if its worth there money or to wait for it to be on tv
& please before you go further look at this here it makes me smile each time before the film starts.
& then the film started… who wanted John Wick on a budget… who ordered it cos im sold im in & i wish id taken my pops along for the ride.
Bob Odenkirk was perfect as both the really boring everyday dad character & then the kick the shit out of everybody guy who just destroys everyone & everything in his path. ITs brilliant & its amazing how it hadnt caught up with him sooner than in this film.
The best bit of the film is the bus scene, which is so important with the recent conversation about how it not your daughters fault & its not everyones sons fault but some of them need to be educated. As a woman who likes to think im pretty independent, who lives on her own, i still will call someone if im walking back to my car in the dark or txt someone to let them know im home okay, after being out. So that bus scene was so important that just being the first time we see him go crazy. Its so well choreographed too
I like that we meet the villain about 30 mins into a 90 min film too & that the introduction is so out there & crazy & just weird but is so what youd expect. Its a really smart way to do that.
A Kitty Kat Bracelet or a house with a basement has never been so important in a film before has it.
Th car steal is brilliant you know what hes actually going to do but you feel a bit let down to start with as you think it will be the safe option.
Theres a sofa conversation which is brilliant, which i really like as thats when we know a lot more about his character & his family. We could have done with a bit more information on him if im honest. I get that its super secret & hes highly dangerous, but a bit more as to why & for how long would have been nice. & why he didnt go back.
Christopher Lloyd being it in is a nice surprise & then hes just epic so thats always nice to see that hes still got it all these years later. He had a blast doing everything that he got to do.
No ones going to that club again are they.
I like how the start is such a repeat & such a boring day to day life including forgetting to put the bins out… who has there bins done that early. Seriously.
The editing & the way its shot just gives you a pure adrenalin rush. Its gory at time but at others less so. Its a clever balance but the way its been put together is good.
So if you like John Wick this is John Wick Lite… Its proper sit down with some popcorn forget about the world & watch a 90min really decent action film which you will really enjoy & just lose yourself in. If its a one off epic, but if they continue i cant wait to see where they go next. Its a very cool film & it knows it.