As with previous Kevin & Perry Go Large Review this has now been purchased on dvd by myself and more importantly my mum finally read the book. Yay now i get to properly shout about it. So heres a brief recap of last time Click me Click Me
So You’ve now all had enough warning about this from previous review book & film spoilers so if you find out what happens now its your own fucking fault. Got it?!?!?!
Oh Neil Patrick Harris when he dies oh my god, what the fuck it actually makes me feel sick but what a way to go. Its so fucked up & wrong, (that being said that house is too, with all the CCTV that he put it) but holy fuck that is graphic. Like if you’ve got young teenagers just for this scene alone let alone the rest of it & they want to watch this film watch it before them & decide if you think its okay for them. Its so full on but wow.
Her “friends” at the lodge were right she could have met alot worse people than them so they did do her a favor when they stole from her.
I never did in the book or the film get the idea that she would eventually kill herself what the fuck. I know shes fucked up but why after going through all of that.
I was upset she didnt get the last word in the film she did in the book, that would have been fitting. Yes i know it finishes before the book does but you know still it should have been her with the final line.
I think they could have covered the Dad & Mum story more about his parents. They are integral to the book, to build up the back ground. one minute they are there in the film & the next dead & written out it also adds to your moral compass, and helps with the blood back story.
Why didnt they show him as trying to find amy as much in the early part, thats one of the things that makes me think in the book that he didnt do it. But in the film he looks guilty as fuck. Stupid missed opportunity, and the police weren’t all convincing. So its not like they are being made out as heros.
The lawyer is brilliant he is as fucked up as i hoped. Perfect.
We see Bens Affleck.. if you get me iv never seen my mum stare at a screen so intently knowing that its coming (no not like that).
Im going to stop here as even tho iv said this will ruin it, i want you all to enjoy this film for the first time & sit there going oh fuck throughout.
Its such a good film that you all need to go read then watch its just stunning disturbing on lots of levels but amazing. Does this make me a bad person?