so i missed the odeon secret film on Tuesday due to football (we won by the way) so i treated myself to a bit of Tom Hanks on Wednesday. Yep time for Inferno
Trailer wise, that NatWest advert is a bit much isnt it we are who we are fuck off your a bank leave me alone.
Assassins Creed extended behind the scenes trailer is cool, love that.
A United Kingdom has never done anything fore me… until Jack Davenport showed up! oh hom nom nom
Accountant & Jack Reacher are now the standard trailers, but the trailer that stole the show Sully. Tom Hanks is the guy who lands the plane on the Hudson, and its directed by Clint Eastwood… take my fucking money now to watch this film, its got awards written all over it.
Id say there was about 30 people in the cinema to see this, fuck load of kids outside, guess they were off to see Storks tho did look funny.
Inferno was okay, thank god for Tom Hanks though, any other leading man in these kinda sequels would have looked bored & just being there for the money, but Tom still acted his arse off, and made the film decent.
Felicity Jones was okay, but with all the females in this set of films was a bit flimsy & you didnt actually care about her until you had already given up on her. I dont get that with these films why have a female side kick & then make them interesting at the very end.
This was the first time ive watch one of these storys & thought the professor wasnt going to get out alive. I really did & then the twist happens & oh shit were definitely not getting out of this.
Also like the other two a bit of a weak ending as well. I know in theory he has to save the day & be seen as happy, but come on peoples.
That beam scene & the drone chase were good.
IT was a solid film, which is because of Tom Hanks. If your into this kinda film like i am you will enjoy it but iv youve not read or seen the rest, avoid until you are uptodate or you will be lost.