SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS even tho I will try not to it will be very hard though.
My sister read the book last year when she went on holiday in like 2 days & came back when the film was in the cinema. So I did the same this year I read it in 3 & a half days which irritated my friend as I finished it before her & was always about 80 pages ahead. So when I got home & my sister went yes someone to talk to about it. So we watched the film.
Ben Affleck here comes your love. For once you nailed Nick Dunne. What a performance just fantastic. Completely amazing, he doesn’t let the film down at all.
But Rosamund Pike was a different level. What a performance. She was just brilliant. What a show.
Amy Dunne is pure evil. How could she plan that for 18months to do that to Nick. I can’t even plan a holiday let alone a fake murder. Nicks not exactly a nice or good person but you know he didn’t fake his death or anything that crazy.
I agree with the lawyer tho you are the two most fucked up people iv ever met!
Neil Patrick Harris! That’s all I’m going to say.
I was worried the supporting cast of parents sister mistress & neighbour would all be a bit lacking but no everyone stood up to the plate & made you feel like the people you had imagined in your head really were real.
I think I’m going to stop there with this review. Read the book first & then watch the film people as if you just watch the film despite it being epic you will never get back round to reading the book.