i asked Twitter as to where I can watch the lost boys & then it tells back to me that it’s on BBC one at like 1sm tonight so let’s find it on iPlayer the day after, I’ve been anchoring after watching this for a little while so lets see how it holds up compared to when i was a teenager.
Okay there are bits that are random & weird & a bit like the hell, but still its bloody good fun & cool & reminded me being aged 16 to 20 watching this around friends houses around my birthday, so it brings back good memories, before we used to go out & get stupidly drunk on my birthday instead.
Keifer as a vampire is soooooo cool. I mean i know hes the main antagonist in this film, but still. Hes epic, i mean hes still always Jack Bauer to me no matter what he does but yea hes just rocking the style & the vampire life & just yeah there something about him where you would just go dont care that you are undead i am in this with you for the long run.
After watching so much Shadows & not seeing what happens when people are hypnotised as you as the viewer arent it was weird when you saw it in this. I mean this is where Taika & Jermain get their ideas from but it was still like oh so were seeing the maggots ewww. I mean still very cool, but i can imagine in the 80s people were really freaked out seeing that happen.
Hanging off the bridge as the train goes across always freaks me out slightly but is so cool to see & watch, its the kind of thing fearless teenagers would do, be them mortals or vampires.
Was grandpa always in on the fact that there were vampires in the area, but never let on. I mean if thats the case why didnt he go after them sooner, than just accidently kill the head vampire at the end.
So inviting a vampire in makes them lose their powers, yea thats random & a little odd, i understand vampires should be invited in, its weird if they arent, i mean even the sims makes you do that, but to not show the powers isnt good. Very random. But does make that dinner scene really cool & clever & make those kids look crazy.
I mean those little kids are actually really cool & how they are the only ones to work it all out & then freak out when it does happen & they get in trouble with it all. I mean the way they kill some of them is properly gory which, as someone who doesnt like horror, i can deal with maybe because its 80s & some of the editing & ott of it is laughable. I mean if i saw this in the cinema in the 80s id have probably hidden in my chair (but i wasnt alive when that was the case).
Thats also a huge comic book store.
At least the lead & the other part vampire have some chemistry between them. Maybe its being horney teenagers that makes it work but still, considering ive seen a few 80s films recently where theres no chemistry at all between the love interests it then makes this really good & actually believable that he is willing to die to save her & the kid.
Why upon just seeing the mum does he decide actually shes going to be the perfect mother vampire. I mean that was a bit rash & what was to say the eldest son would actually meet the rest of them to then become a vampire. Very just jumping to conclusions. Also killing the head vampire cures all the rest of the partial vampires & returns them to normal, nah i aint going along with that, thats bollocks.
The fact that all of the day shoots are so bright & all the night bits even when not in the vampire hotel or in the house all just seem more attractive & alluring, is very good cinematography & i really like that. You just feel like the night is more appealing & inviting than the sun. Oh god am i a vampire…
Its actually aged quite well & its vibe is still strong & is really enjoyable. It felt so at home watching it again after about 10 years of not & seriously think you all need to catch it again on iplayer before it disappears again. Its still a very good film. Now hurry up season 3 of shadows, i need my next vampire fix.
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