Disney Plus has some good films on it definitely, some that are crap, some that fill the void & some full of nostalgia. So today we are going for the latter. Inspector Gadget time. I loved this as a kid so lets see what its like now as an adult.
Okay its bad its very very bad, like its so bad that you sit there & just go why did i like this as a kid, its so bad…
& then Rupert Everett turns up & camps it up & is an epic villain & everything isnt forgiven but it make it so much more enjoyable. It really does. He is the star of this film & every time Claw is on screen it just feels a bit better. I mean the fact that he is called Claw, just one word, like Madonna. As a kid that went over my head, but as an adult knowing that Rupert is one of Madonna’s closest friends its bloody brilliant & i can see now why my parents always laughed at that point but i never got it.
I mean its a bloody good thing this is such a short film if im honest. Its 78 minutes. Any longer as an adult & its unbearable, & its the perfect attention span for kids. No wonder as a kid i thought it was the bees knees.
Broderick is okay, but hes so desperate for love & attention & to move on with his life & trying to be too perfect at everything, that you just sit there & go really, no ones like that at all.
No one wonders why his niece lives with him & there is no explanation as to why her parents arent around & why he also had to have that dog as a kid you just go oh okay.
Evil Inspector Gadget that Claw makes is much better than actual inspector gadget much more fun. Especially when he does the Godzilla thing another flop that Broderick was in around the same time. Easter Eggs for kids hehe.
The talking car is still cool but as an adult its introduced far too late into the film to care about him. So much so that when he turned up i was like oh yeah the car woohoo. Id forgotten about him. Thats the only reason the film should go on longer to get more car shenanigans.
The universal chip turns out love concurs all including technology even in crap 90s films. Because thats all it takes to revive inspector gadget, positive memories & feelings are still stronger than AI. note to self watch this film no matter how crap it is before any matrix film.
The helicopter bit is exciting, & is actually well filmed. So thats a positive. Some peril in a kids film always goes a long way.
The hat with the messages is bit much if im honest especially when he basically says he loves her with out doing it & then she starts to flirt, but how would that work hes now entirely machine, he can love this woman & spend his life with her but not actually get with her. Awkward.
So maybe the answer to kids nostalgia for films like this isnt to watch it back as an adult. You realise how bad it was. I mean Claw is still an epic baddie, but hes no scar. I got some of the feeling for it when i was a kid, but not enough to make it feel as enjoyable as an adult.
George of the Jungle was the better film.