Do you want to build a snowman?
Get ready disney is about to take over your world again like it did in the early 90’s. All thanks to one song & one snow man. Its just going to take it over, and not matter what you do you just cant let it go.
For those who have lived under a rock or are my father & haven’t seen Frozen it is based on Hans Christian Anderson’s The Snow Queen, who freezes everything & has this immense power. Disney have changed it up a little, by having a princes with this power, who then becomes queen & sets of an eternal winter, and cant change it back as she doesnt know how.
So lets get to the Star of the film Olaf. The Adorable little snow man who walks around & likes warm things & has epic timing & makes you laugh & cry. With 6 little words i cry every time he says Some People Are Worth Melting For. That’s it i blub away, he may not really have a brain or be that much help, but with those few words when he trys to save Anna i cry even if im not properly watching it & its on in the back ground i blub. His lines about Christof & Sven when he meets them are cool, his song about summer, his Carnot, his smell, who is Hans its just brilliant. Disney made the best Side Kick since Mushu in that one moment, & im including Sven in this. He is an epic reindeer but he is no Olaf. Dad has promised to build me a snow man when it snows (since i started writing this review it has now snowed but it didnt even set so im still owed an Olaf)
Let It Go is an amazing song. It really is, the fact it stayed in the uk top 40 for a year, proves its credibility. Yes it became a gay anthem as well as it was when marriage was granted for all couples, but i just thinks that add to it (maybe im a bit biased as i come from Brighton). This year on holiday the me & 5 girls friends (including one who hates frozen & one who’d never seen it) decided to make a 6 year olds night at karaoke & sing let it go for her. She loved it & yes we were all a little tipsy but we sang it with so much pride. This song will always have a special place in my heart.
I like that fact that you believe Hans in noble & worthy to be prince, but what a twist it was when i first watched it to see that he was the real villain. Oh wow i freaked out alot, (maybe thats why the Olaf scene makes me cry more after its after this). But what a bastard he was.
Then again Christof is right when he says how can you get engaged to someone you met that day, so does Elsa, but Christof also asks about shoe size during this which as an adult i get, but if i had been a 6 year old would have gone over my head.
Do you wanna build a snow man? i would suggest being around people when this is sung so you dont cry. I mean speaking to Joan of Arc is cool but when it ends oh god. Most songs in this film if they dont revolve around snow mention chocolate. Hmmm Chocolate.
I really dont see why Anna didnt work out Christof was her true love, what an idiot. It so blatantly obvious it doesnt take trolls or being hit by ice or snowmen to teach her that. She should have worked it out from that trust exercise about an hour earlier in the film.
Woohooo Big Summer Blow Out!!!!!! Love that guy.
The man from Weasel Towns dance is brilliant, hes the real villain in this piece he just wants to exploit them for everything.
When Anna freezes for the act of true love none of them are standing on a boat yet when everything returns to normal, they all are. & then noone is scared of her magic even though it was what she did like a day before…. bit odd & a bit yea well we need to make everyone happy with a finally thing.
I do like the fact disney made the love story about two sisters who would do anything for each other even if they had there differences, and they didnt need a prince to save them. Thats really, reassuring for all girls to take on for the future. Prince charming never turns up on his horse to save the day.
So back to the start, i asked did you want to build a snow man? based on this review i hope your answer is yes, & that you would like to do it in summer, if not thats fine its your loss. And any how the cold never bothered me anyway.
Welcome back proper disney welcome back!