Happy Wednesday Cinema day… which now isnt really that relevant as it doesn’t matter what im home on a Wednesday, dinner will be whenever.
I had a lovely chat with the lady who checked my ticket & offered me an odeon Oscar pack, where when you see 3 award nominated films you get a 4th for free, i said thanks but i have a limitless card. & bless her she said aww that sucks you get nothing for your loyalty. Shes got a point you know Odeon take not what do i get out of this…
I really want to go & see the founder, the McDonald film it looks amazing. I need to see that film.
Im not the kinda person that likes self discovery film & going on that kinda journey it does nothing for me. However that being said this was a really solid film.
The little kid who played the Sarood was amazing, he completely stole the show. He was so cute & so cheecky & i loved him hes got a lot of things going for him in the future.
Dev Patel with an Aussie accent threw me a bit, he will always be that teenager from skins for me. But my god he was good, really good. He really did the story justice. It was a bit weird that someone as well known as Nicole Kidman, was his mum & had such retro 80s hair.
I think they did miss a trick. The film was in chronological order, so you saw all the harrowing stuff the kid went through & then after that you saw him as an adult. It should have been done as flash backs & flash forwards. It probably would have made it more what mad this kid forget his history so much.
I was waiting for the older Sarood to stand in the butterflys to remember, but that didnt happen which made me a bit sad.
I cried when he said mum when he found the house on google earth & then everything after that i blubed, i think most of the cinema did.
I do love that it is a real story film, again the genre pulls it out of the bag again.
I have to say that the fact that half the box office fees are going to an Indian charity to keep street kids safe is brilliant. What an amazing gesture.
Its not going to win best film, but it really did move me & yes you know whats going to happen, but it really does make you happy. & when i did eventually get home to my mum & dad i did say i love you to both of them.