I mean weve all seen at least phase one of the mcu now right & this film is now 12 years old (the hell… how did that happen).
This is now part of my MCU watch along. Im doing them all in order. but i have previously on here reviewed ironman & the incredible hulk so this is the first one i am referencing on here. So expect there to be a few MCU entrys in the coming weeks. I also need to apologise that i am only typing this up now in November 2022 when this was watched in early January. Look its been a busy film watching year peoples.
So yea its time for Iron Man 2 a film that didnt realise how much it needed to add to the MCU & that it was going to be the building blocks for stuff still to come all these years later. At the time, it was just another super hero sequel but now despite its flaws its so much more than that.
Lets talk about the films MVP… the Bird! I bloody love that bad. Yes i am joking but that Bird is so pivotal to stuff its crazy. Its bloody beautiful too. Good on the Bird.
RDJ is so go at going through the whole this is the end of my life lets just go out doing it on my terms. He really does has to deal with this throughout the rest of the MCU too, but here he doesnt know how much his life will change & is just on that despair pit that we all put ourselves in from time to time (he just goes to the extreme). & i love how its not until the end of Act 3 when Pepper is like you were fucking dying & you didnt tell me, no wonder i was stressed. Yea i would be too.
Recasting from Cuba to Don did feel weird at the time, but now looking at the MCU it does make sense, he has more of a repour with him in this one & i think thats due to the huge fall out they have in act 2 when he steals the suit & steals the show. No one had really stood up to him properly at this point & it made him go away almost kill himself again & then sort out a load of stuff.
I am a Sam Rockwell Stan. If youve been here a while you will know that. I adore the man. Hes fantastic & amazing. & he is good in this, but he is tragically under used as Justin Hammer. We know hes jealous of Tony & his tech, but still hes trying to do his best for his own company & profit & its a shame hes just in this jumble of a movie too. Someone who could easily be brought back into the MCU again & again, but hasnt been. ITs a shame, his company could so be trying to monopolise the world in phase 4 or 5 if we get there (oh i now know that we get phase 5 by the way).
We also meet Scarlets Natasha. Black Widow arrives & kick every single persons arse & slays. I know that in this film & at the time she was window dress, in black spandex doing head scissors, & that was very much of the time. But when shes not walking around being window dressing you see her come into her own. But it is bloody cool when she takes every single person out in that facility while Happy struggles with just one guy. You go girl. One day i will cry over your sacrifice.
F1 does not work like that. Im sorry movie it doesn. No way would he be allowed to do that no matter how famous he was. Fuck no. & also as someone who supports an f1 team who has drivers id be so pissed off if someone, even if they are a superhero, decided to get in my teams custom built F! car & drive around monaco bollocks. He was right to get his arse handed to his by Mickey.
Mickey is alright in this, again like rockwell miss used. But he was on a high after the wrestler & a few other films so he was the right person to pick for this at the time. I totally get that. When he does those whips its cool. But yea for the main real villain we dont actually see enough of him in this film to care about his revenge for his family.
The whole finding a new element thing is a bit much it really is. I mean i get that it saves his life & whatever, but his chances of finding this & everything going on in that section, while hes basically dying & having a mid life crisis is a bit much. I know its a film & a super hero film, so you know dont take things so seriously, but still its just what the. Nah im not buying that.
& Nick Fury would not reassign Phil like that no way pepe.
I call this the ex wife. & then it fucks everything up hahahahah. I like that bit. I mean i also do like the fact that everything is put in that war machine, to just blow the crap out of everything.
All these films are so up on their state of the line tech, but no one can hack into any of this stuff. I mean it makes act 3 fun & he saves that little kid dressed up as ironman (who now in cannon is Peter Parker), but seriously, theres no master over ride or anything urgh. I never get that never.
His birthday Party is so fucked up in so many ways. I mean i do get the all what if this is your last birthday what would you want to do, but its not even half way though the film, & hes ironman hes getting out of this alive, even on a first viewing years ago, you know hes getting out of this.
All villains need a hanger with just one dining room table in dont they. Thats bloody cool.
The pop culture jokes are still really fun & clever, i love them. RDJ always nails them entirely every single time & it never feels like there to many of them. I mean there are on multiple re watchings it does get on your wick a little, but its still good & fun.
& recruiting without recruiting… yea of course, imagine if he doesnt. We are all dead. hehe
This is a product of its time, but its still fun. I mean i sat there & laughed & watched the set pieces & was like yea this is good, but i will only choose to watch this if im watching the MCU in order (which i am currently doing) or im on a rockwell binge. Its not my favourite & it would have been better if theyd have had more of a plan at this time when this was made.
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