Family, Friends, Besties, Lovies & Peoples (I think that’s everyone) Welcome to my yearly Christmas news letter. Yep weve done another trip around the sun, moon & stars, & it did shine much brighter this year personally (if not for the world as a whole, but im not going to get into a downer on here about tha,t no way you dont need to hear that anymore this is a safe space). So lets take stock & let you know whats gone down.
So this year for me was pretty nice. I’ve now been living in my flat for nearly 2 years & I still love it (although maybe not the washing up or cleaning some times) but I love that I have my independence & just doing what I want when I want, especially now that stuff is open.
As well as all the cinema trips that you’ve all been reading about, *cough read some of my reviews cough* ive been pretty busy. Obviously the world reopened so stuff happened.
First of all my sister & I finally went on our Spa day from my 30th birthday (I know im now so much older than that) but it was nice to just be chilled with her for a few hours with no one else. She is my world & I dont tell her that enough *pauses* right ive just msgd her to say I love her. But yea that was nice, we need to do that again.
Event wise it all started off with Goodwoods festival of speed in June my birthday gift from last year. I loved it. Seeing the drag race, standing next to F1 cars, being 5meters away from Jenson Button, watching the Red Arrows, the Hill Climb. It was a lush summers day. It really was fantastic to spend the day with my dad.
I didn’t go away this year, however me & 5 of my girls did go to Coldplay Wembley for opening night. I had been twice before but it was lush to share the experience with them. My bestie, who was the least bothered about it all, put her arms around my waist & was crying while fix you came on, my work was done. As well as Coldplay we saw Dear Even Hansen when we were in London (cried a lot) & did lots of shopping eating & day drinking.
Everyone also came to mine as Disney characters for my birthday (worst hangover in years other than Eurovision this year oooooh god). We have also done an Alice in wonderland scavenger hunt (we came 37th out of at least 150 teams) & seen a linkin park tribute band. Christmas dinner with them all was also fun (another hungover monday).
I’ve also seen Joe Lycett do comedy again, Will Young sing live this year, 5th time (if you include party in the park) he was fab as always & depending on when I post this I still have Blue to come in a few days time with my sister. Next year at the moment that only planned thing is Harry Styles at Wembley AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
So last year after saying that’s it no more tattoo after my coldplay one, I got another on. I now have this lush dandelion on my left hand that looks like its blowing away. Im now not going to say that the last one, because well you know… whod have thought id be a tattoo girl… honestly (sorry Granddad).
I also have a new car. Carlos is fab & I cant wait to make so many memories in him.
Works going okay too. The company i work for has new owners (god thats nice to say out loud, had to keep that quiet for a while). They are really good & are fellow millennials, so a lot more things in common. Its going to be interesting to see how the company grows. I am very happy there, & have a mountain of work to get through before we have the christmas break off.
Parents are both ok. Moving them in the week before Christmas last year was stressful. I moved them out the week & weekend before & then my sister moved them in on the day. Good team effort. They’ve done lots of decorating & had the bathrooms completely done (they borrowed mine for a while for showers) but they are both in good spirits & keeping on. Mama doing a few days back at school just to tick over & Pops is loving his shed. We do still need to celebrate mamas 60th next year.
My sister finally went on her honeymoon in Canada & Alaska at last. She & her husband had an amazing time. But I am happy to say that I am now an aunty to the Papaya Puppy Lando (after F1’s Norris not Star Wars). He is adorable & just the best dog ever. I think everyone want to walk him & cuddle him in some way or another. Hes such a good boy. I’ve had a few stay overs at theres to watch a few things too this year, which has been nice.
The biggy for this year though, was my Grandma who turned 90! I know ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The whole family came down for the weekend & we all had a fantastic time. She had an amazing long weekend & we all spoilt her rotten. She looks bloody good for 90s, & we do have to keep reminding her to slow down a little. But shes just brilliant. Shes going up to Leamington for Christmas this year, I believe (could still change) so we are having Jacks family at ours this year which will be fun.
One bit of live sport to come. Yea just Southampton v Lincoln in the League cup (up the imps) the week before christmas, thats going to be cold. But no Cricket or Football other than that im afraid. But as you can all see on here lots of films watched & reviews written & not enough time to get through them all & talk about them. The 100 club isnt going to happen. But in a way im glad. Because what i got out of film twitter & letterboxd this year were fantastic new film families & clans to be apart of. You know who you are, & i hope some of you have got this far. If you have discovered me in the last year on any platform, thank you. You guys are just so special & to think that i didnt have many of you in my life a year ago, freaks me out a little bit. You make me smile so much & my online film experience is so much better with you all in it. Be it a reviewer, someone from a fandom, or a watch or tweet along, or stan life, You are all fantastic besties. Never let anyone tell you that your online friends, arent real friends.
As much as i write my reviews, i really have rediscovered my passion for writing this year (which maybe why this newsletters gone on a bit). Something properly re awakened inside of me & Ive just been on a role. I mean theres some days i dont want to type at all & then theres been an occasion where someone come to pick me up & im not ready as ive been writing for so long. Ive threatened my laptop quite a few times to throw it out the window. But yea ive really got into it in the last year particularly the last 4 months. Its just flowing & ive fallen in love with it again.
So the real reason for this post is to tell you that again this year, i’m not sending out Christmas cards. I haven’t sent Christmas Cards for about the last 16 years now, mainly because its quite expensive, especially with postage, we’re all online & i try to see most people to wish them a Merry Christmas as well & if i cant i usually text or call them.(disclaimer yes this has been entirely copied & pasted this next paragraph from last year except for the year, so well done for noticing yay next paragraph isn’t though{& i always love the fact i can get away with that}) .
I kind of have to keep that paragraph the same every year, youd all miss it otherwise. I will do my best to see you all this year too after last year not seeing anyone at all.
So this year the money that would have been spent on your christmas cards is going to Mind Out. An LGBTQ+ charity for mental health. As an ally & with friends in real life & online, & from the most inclusive city in the UK, i thought this was deserving of the donation this year. I always thought i was really knowledgeable & knew a lot about this, but i have learnt so much from you all this year & that there is so much more todo. So i thought a shout out to the girls, the guys, the theys & the i’s would be the best love i could spread. & who knows maybe this small donation really will help someone in the community with there mental health. To find out more about where you christmas card money has gone please click this link.
& that is 2022 done. Thank you all for not watching the Crown, or listening to Anti Hero, or building lego star wars (still dont know who sent me a helmetless Din & Grogu pop any ideas{ahhh is it 2023 yet for the season of Pascal?}) , & for giving up 15 mins of your life to have a read through what happened to me in 2022. If ive missed something out (other than beach walks & films) please let me know, although lets be honest i should know really whats not on here. Yea thats how busy ive been, so much so that i have just added something. opps.
Have the most amazing Christmas people. I love you all & i hope you & your family really can celebrate it all in style. You all deserve the world & if you are reading, this you are apart of my life & my clan & you really dont know how much that means to me. & if i even mean a small amount to you, just then think about how much you mean to all the people you are going to spend the holidays with. They love you so much, its actually unbelievable.
I’m gonna leave you with the words i go by quite a lot. Its okay not to be okay. The world is ruined. We all know that & its okay to have anxiety & feel down & just have a crap day & go no im not doing that today, Im gonna have another biscuit & watch house of the dragon (ive only just seen thrones im not there yet peoples) or read that Fic for 20mins. But you need those crap days to recognise the good, & then when its a phenomenal day, you really really do sit up & notice.
Be the main character in your own life story people, grasp it & hold onto it.
So i want you all to be good, love yourself & those that are important to you, & the rest will take care of itself.
Right thats the life message done, i actually had to pause that as i was chatting to someone online talking about christmas (i know in November what!) & they made me cry with some memories of their own christmas. Happy Christmas you lovely lot. All the best for 2023. Love to you & all your families & friends. Right should probably write a review & put on the christmas playlist. Its festive season after all. Bring on the mince pies.
Love & Hugs as always
Laters People
Photos bellow include Goodwood, Coldplay, my new tattoo, me as Hades, our Alice in Wonderland day & my Grandma on her 90th.