Magic Movie friday 3 out of 4. Yep its time to see the 3rd of the 4 massive films out in November. Its time to see Wicked. I cant wait. I have tissues this is going to be fun.
I wanted to see the 6pm screening it was sold out, so i went ot the friday night 7pm screening instead. It was sold out Screen 1. There were 4 kids in front of me while i was picking up my huge popcorn bucket, asking if there was any tickets left for that day. They werent happy when they heard that. My screen was properly full too right mix of ages.
Trailers, Mufusa, Moana, We Live In Time & Better Man. Will probably see them all. However i dont get why we have 30mins of adverts & trailers before a 2h40min film, its a bit to much.
& then the film started… DAMN!
This is going to be a weird review because this is part 1 of 2, of a stage show which has been going for decades, & based off a book & a film, where we “know” from the start of this movie that the Wicked Witch of the West is Dead… So dont you all go coming up to me going ahh she spoiled this. This is from the world of Oz, we know the inevitable outcome. I will keep something’s shhhh though.
I cried… twice. Both times hard. I knew Defying Gravity would me me cry, but when she goes to the party which is now a club, & shes in that outfit & she dances & then Glinda (cant be bothered with the A) that was beautiful. Defying Gravity, if it wasnt for the sheer spectacle & noise of the song, i think you could have heard a pin drop, because the room was just so intense. I am so glad no one decided to burst into song at any point. There was toe tapping & head bouncing for sure.
I know a lot has been said about Ariana & Cynthia this press tour, which i dont like, we shouldnt be talking about that. But oh my fucking god, they were astounding. I always forget how good a singer Ariana is & then she hits some of those notes & its like damn girl. A lot of people were sayign how over the top she plays the role, but Glinda is all about being a show off & little miss popular. It so works & Cynthia was just electric. So compelling. It was a pleasure to watch them both grow into the roles & own it.
Johnathan Fucking Bailey. I dont care if hes gay, the man is hot & was very much a moment, like oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yes he does look older than everyone else in the rest of the film at point & he doesnt turn up til at least an hour in but ahhhhhhhhhhh. Sir your rather delicious.
One of Glindas friends was a guy from SNL & i just couldnt take him seriously. Im sorry i couldnt. Especially when he in my mind is known for calling Pedro Pascal a Skinny legend.
When is Jeff Goldblum not unhinged. The man is insane. Yes hes got the weakest song & yes hes a bit of a bastard & is like urgh but hes still Jeff. How am i meant to hate an idol when i see part 2 next year. I m going to find that hard, your going to have to act your socks off sir.
There wasnt a boo but there was defiantly a murmur & ooooh when Boq showed up for “reasons” but it was only that one time.
I love how it showed the original wizard of oz in the film, right at the start because after all the wicked witch is dead. Although its really long foreshadowing’s as this is one of the longest interval breaks between act 1 & 2 of a theatre production ever.
Big week for CGI monkeys, as they were in this & the Robbie trailers & in Gladiator. Someone has been working very hard.
The Oz players, omfg literally you could tell who knew of the wicked lore or was millennials when that happened. Gasps came from all over the cinema, including from me. That was a very nice surprise.
I like the fact they pick the colour of the brick road, that was really sweet. I also love that the title card was also very 1930s style, keeping in with the original.
Not going to lie i felt that 2h40. Almost the same length as the play. The new little additions to it were nice, but yea everything ached when i stood up at the end of the film & i was at a revamped cineworld, with snazzy comfortable chairs & i was like ouch.
So after i had stopped crying & calmed down & was leaving the cinema i was following a family out. There was a girl in a nice pink floral dress probably about 8 no more than 10 who was yawning & tired & said to her parents “why do we have to wait another year i want it now”. she then yawned again & rubbed her eyes. I with this kid i agree with her (except i was wearing green obviously).
It was stunning mesmerising & magical & im going to sing Defying Gravity until i have to put christmas songs on. It truly was a spectacle. Just a shame we have to wait a year now.
3 of the 4 big fridays in November have given me a buzzer contender, will next weeks last film complete the set.