Time for another Round of Gladiator which technically means i have done Gladiator & wicked in 24hs wooohooo. Yes i watched gladiator last week so what… but this time im taking dad he wants to see it. Mama isnt bothered.
My dad was very impressed with how busy cineworld was on a saturday early afternoon. We had booked to see the 2pm showing but they cancelled it so we went to the 12:40 showing instead. They also didnt have the tea my dad liked at star bucks which was a shame.
We were in screen 8, & it was sold out, by all of like 5 seats. Im impressed im bloody impressed. Well done peoples, thats very good. A good set of age groups to at the screening.
The Trailers were the exact same as the week before just no Wicked this time. The noises for Mission Impossible were still exciting to hear. I also wasnt expecting after a week of being at the cinema for gladiator to still have a full 30mins of adverts before it.
& then the film started… so i was staying at my parents that night to watch 6am f1. My dad was still talking about the film a couple of days after i had left, he enjoyed it that much. Ooooh the first full cinema club review is here.
Arrows… Bloody bastard arrows! The foreshadowing. Avoiding them & then… for fuck sake movie the second i realised it & then it just kept happening i was like oh for fuck sake. Urgh!!! I did count… im sorry i had to. I got up to 18… (turns out after reading about it more recently now its now 30 WHAT THE FUCK?!)
It took me two watched but the guy at the end whos kind of in charge of the other army in Rome, its Lurch from Hot Fuzz & the Hound in Thrones. I bloody knew i knew him when i first saw it but didnt want to google or letterboxd it.
I went statue hunting im not going to lie, could i find it… could i fuck.
They draw blood while praising our man on his victory at war while hes wearing all white. What arrogant pricks.
It was interesting hearing all the noises in the room, even though i knew what was coming, especially at the moment when the guy at my first screening freaked out, someone loudly gasped & went no in this screening its still a shock to some that this happens.
So i had no idea that Fred who plays the other emperor, is the kid in Thelma (i say kid the adult grandson) i only found this out as he took the lady from that (who also voices nostalgia) to the la premier of the film. Now that really is what you call range. Hehe.
You really noticed all the cleverly sewn in details the second time around & i also think ive found the scene that was filmed where i live. Its before they come into Rome, past the gates & they are in that cage. Its got to be that point for sure.
Also there was someone who was hinted at being untrust worthy, then it was proved this was true & then at the end they were someone sentenced to death because Rome & the emperors didnt care.
I really now want to know whats in the directors cut so badly. I recon theres bits that would make this even more epic.
Yea this is still a golden buzzer contender for sure. Its going to be up in my top films of the year for sure. Even more viewings will just make it greater.