Back from holidays 1 & 2 (& now 3 but shhhh) & time for a brief reprise of cinema club before I go away again. Apologies this wasn’t put up nearer the time.
I need to see a film I’m having withdrawal symptoms I think which isn’t very good at all. So a bit of a suspense prison drama will do. Let see where we go & what we do with this shall we. Its not been reviewed very well else where if im honest, so its going to be interesting.
again as this is a bit delayed I don’t remember many trailers. I think Gemini man was one but other than that sorry. Also there was like 4 people in the cinema with me… not so good.
& then the film started… & considering its meant to be crap & a waste of 2 hours of my life, i was surprised that it wasnt a complete & utter waste of my time & i actually had fun.
It had a good story to it, but it think the film started in the wrong place. It should of started 20minutes in & then what happened the 20minutes before that used as flashback so he is more motivated in what he was doing & why he was doing it. Some bits of th story were far too obvious & stupid & you did feel like shaking the film & telling them to man up & grow a pair & be brave, but you know that that that this is meant to be horrific, me saying its a good story is actually a good thing. We knew what we were getting if im honest.
Some of the torture set ups & fights & blood & guts did go for it. You really did get an edgy feel for it which made it gritty at points & then it would lul for a little while & you’d go oh man i want more, dont make me wait another 15mins again for more. More of this to make it feel authentic & threatening would of been good.
Best performance in said film was Common…. I know wtaf?! Seriously every scene he was in felt correct & honest & you just wanted him to get what he wanted. He was also someone that you trusted to get what he wanted done & it didnt matter who got in the way. He upstaged Kinnaman Pike & Owen.
That being said Kinnaman wasnt bad, he had to carry 85% of the film with some people that were just so crap, i act better when i do my “its an illusion” thing. If you know who i actually am it makes sense. Rylan Crying on Xfactor is better than some of the actors in this. But yea Kinnaman has found his style & compared to where he was when he was Rick Flag, hes come quite a way. Theres no issue being typecast if your good at it.
I liked the pigeon that was clever. Some of the ideas to get stuff done were interesting too, some good insights.
Over all this film needed to get a bigger pair of balls than it did, but its definitely not to be sniffed at. If you watch it you will have fun. There are better action films to go & se but overall it was enjoyable & i had a good time watching it.