Apologies once again my lovies. This is what happens when you have 3 holidays in 5 weeks my bad. Well not really. It’s just there was no WiFi on my boat or 4g & I didn’t want to waste all my data in Greece I need some for the next few weekends so apologies that I haven’t posted reviews.
anyhow these films are always actually a little bit special for me. My first ever Limitless Odeon Card film was London has fallen so I guess it’s quiet poetic that we are now up to Angle & that this blog has gone from strength to strength( I hope). So let’s do this.
I’m sorry I can’t remember what the trailers were or how many people were in the cinema I know it was screen 7 tho. It wasn’t Tenet or Jojo Rabbit… anything else I don’t really care about.
& then the film started… & if this is the end of the franchise, which i think it will be., it said bye in the only way this kinda film could. Whimpered to start & then went full on & didnt give a flying fuck. When it went for it by god it went for it.
All of these films do have a major flaw though & its the forgettable baddie. I’m sorry but your film is only as good as your bad guy & this one im sorry was just meh. There were two moments of oh shit with him, but the rest sorry. Doesnt matter the epic set pieces & layout & style, it does let these films down, all of them. So maybe thats the point actually.
Some of he deaths are stunning. These are never afraid to kill someone off when you least expect it, that really does take balls. & its quite often not in a good way, & is really brutal & you go oh man really. It backs it up. Some can be a bit off mad or weird but you know, its forgiven for that.
Butler still does deliver as banning, shame its now Freeman as president & not Eckart, there was more of a chemistry there. But some of his best line are when he meets his dad (not a spoiler its a huge part of the trailer). Some of the lines properly had me controlling my giggles.
We should talk about the forest scene with all those explosions & what happened it was full on & out there & just a joyous 6 minutes of the film. When it ended i really wanted more of it. & i think that is the point of these films, it just every now & then goes you know we had a budget right of millions of dollars well its gone on there 4 set pieces & nothing else & boy it nails it. The building falling down was the crap set piece in this one.
Did make you think some proper okay so who can i trust whos the bad guy, can i trust them moments. I did get one person wrong, i thought they were going to stab someone in the back turns out a proper good guy. Was disappointed in that.
So if that’s it fr the fallen franchise, im happy. If we keep going, it needs a good bad guy from now on to make it more serious. But overall i am happy with this film. It ticks every box in terms of the series. Theres no huge glaring error, & i just left the cinema feeling satisfied that it still had the balls to do what it does.
Cheers Mr Butler.