Time to be emotionally ruined by the cinema, something that i havent said in a while but i have to. It time to see if Hopkins deserves that Oscar & just how good a film it actually is.
Monday night film this is. & ive walked in at 7:40 & there no one here, its just me did i miss the memo or something…. ah turns out no. 50 odd people by the time the lights went down. I was the youngest person there too, which shocked me a little. Im guessing it does have an older audience, but id have through there would be more people under the age of 40 there. oh well.
Trailers, In the Heights (probably saturday) Supernova (advance screening is booked up for next week) & No time to die (is it September yet {yes as brits we get it early}).
& before i say & then the film started, you might want to go back through some of my blog regarding the Leisure Seeker & The Roads not Taken & maybe some of my year end newsletters, to see how my family over the years have been effected by Dementia & how it changed us & our lives. I would recommend if you do no nothing about the disease to have a quick look at it before you see this film.
& then the film started… & when it ended no one moved. Not one person got up to leave for 5 minutes. I think everyone was still just emotionally in shock & still crying.
Its emotional throughout & you do feel every single thing with them but that last 10 minutes of the film without ruining it for anyone is so painful & you sit there & blub your eyes out watching the film & yo udo just want a hug much like the characters on screen. I completely feel apart & i was very prepared for that but it still fucking hurt, so much when i got to my car before i drove home i txt all my family to tell them that i love them & that im proud of what we all went through with Grandpa for all those years.
I loved that the film wasnt coherent & leapt all over the place like his mind would & that he couldnt keep things straight at all. That was so clever & interesting. I m sure some people would have sat there watching it & go hang on didnt we just address this, but thats the point. & the watch, yes so glad they had stuff he was hiding & then thought was stolen. My Grandpa used to do that, he once hid a bowl of strawberry’s & cream & then went to ask my grandma for pudding. She found the bowl 3 weeks later.
Hopkins was really good, but i dont think he actually starts playing the part properly until we get to the last 20mins, up to that point hes good but he then ups his game for the heart-breaking ending. He just nails that. I am going to say it tho, please dont be mad at me, but Riz deserved the Oscar. His performance throughout was better im sorry it was.
Coleman was stunning too, but a best supporting Actress should have seen Olivia Williams get a nod. The fact she had to be a chameleon & play so many different roles & get them all right & then have to be there at the end & just try to make everything calm & nice, i could have done with her next to me at the end of the film. Everyone else in the film was good too.
There was one section of the film that i didnt enjoy, which i don’t want to talk to you about because im not sure it would have been that way around & that it would happen.
I love how the flat kept changing & that end door had different things behind it each time. That was fantastic.
Basically take a bucket of tissues when you go & see this & be prepared to ugly cry for a good 20 mins. Its worth it & its so beautiful & emotional & a proper insight into how coping with Dementia just doesnt effect the person with it but the loved ones around them.
Simple, stunning & thought provoking