How I managed to avoid spoilers for 2 weeks I have no idea but I did at least now I can google away & add to Fan theory’s.
Pops & Mama Popcorn we’re more than happy to accompany me to Star Wars they both had lots of questions after force. So with going back to work on the Thursday & all Of is being to busy before Christmas we had to go in the 27th.
Now I love the Odeon & my limitless card & seeing all these film which Star Wars would have been free for me but for my parents in 2D at 11am £13.25?! Fuck off. I didn’t have any offers or enough points to give them either & that’s far too much money. So we went to the connought in worthing which was showing the film at the same time for £3 per person… yea Odeon £3 All 3 of us went to see Star Wars & park in worthing for less than one ticket. How does that make sense… seriously. (Please don’t revoke my Odeon card.
So there we were with a lot of much younger family’s than ours it was 3/4 full guessing it was everyone’s first trip out since Christmas.
Trailer wise we had the greatest showman, 3 billboards & all the money in the world. All 3 are on my to watch list parents want to see all the money. They also like the early man dfs advert.
The last Jedi has decided a lot of Star Wars fans from its changing cinema to re write it now. Im neither.
It wasn’t epic epic epic but it was really good & solid sci fi film with lots of good tangents to go off & story’s to see in the next one.
& now here come the difficult bit trying not to spoil it for you all if you’ve not seen it.
I cried yes there was a moment im not going to say when & who it was that made me cry but i cried.
Some good cameos really good cameos Ade Edmondson yes (especially that eye rolling but) id even go as far to say that he had a part not a cameo. Paul Rudd, William & Harry, Gary Barlow think i spotted them all defiantly Rudd. Some more too but thats for you all to see.
I want a Porg & still a BB8 & his evil Twin BB9E i want them all.
There was a moment when there was a relationship i really want them to ship, but i think that moment may have now passed. I’ve done some googling since though & others agree.
There was a couple of bits that felt like they were put in there because oh why not which i dont actually think we needed.
BB8 at one point did lose his head for 5 sec & then it magnetically rejoined it.
Mark Hamill actually said something this time. He earned his money
It was more of a story to set us up for whats to come & tell us whats going to happen in the finally, rather than an epic fight & battle film. It didnt really answer any of my questions from 1 though so now i have 12 questions not 5 argh.
& i cant type anymore or i will ruin it.
Yes this will divide people but as some who like a good journey story every now & then to set up the ending i think it was really good. Episode 9 had better answer my questions or im going to stalk JJ down.