Cinema time again, well as no ones at home & there is nothing on tv why not (although ive nearly completed season three of agents of shield now).
Today was Star Trek Beyond, had to go & see it even though my dads away & hes the massive trekky (dont worry wont i wont ruin it for him)
For a Thursday Afternoon it was quite full actually in screen 2, is it bad that i now have a favourite seat in screen 2 as well, glad i got there early to get it.
The new Tim Burton film isnt for me sorry peoples, iv gone a bit past that now. its like Mutants mixed with Nanny McFee & Alice. Nope thats a step to far.
Im so loving Brent though it was the same trailer as Monday but it still made me laugh.
Star Trek was good. It took a while to get going & then when it got there & was about to get interesting it started wrapping itself up. Id want a few more action moments.
Everyone was very good in it especially Karl Urban he was my man who stole the show(hes come a long way since Bourne killed him).
Idris was good but was a generic villain im sorry he was, when you watch it you will notice this.
Im also begining to think the enterprise has the wrost luck in the world.
IT was a good Sci-fi film with lots of pointient points, but it could have done with another 20mins of the film.
One final note God Bless you Anton Yelchin & Leonard Nimoy.