Once upon a time when i was 3 maybe 4 at a push, my pops had a Seag Megadrive with a few games on it. He purchased Sonic the Hedgehog to teach me how to play games & use strategy. I played it until that Sega machine died, not normally as Sonic but as Tails ( the best character in the game obviously). There was even a VS game to play against each other which my mama would play with me when my baby sister was sleeping & she would let me win (apparently). Turns out when we got the remastered version when i was much older (23ish) i challenged her to it & i destroyed her, so maybe she didnt let me win & was just crap at it. So Sonic has always had a special place in my heart.
So when they announced Sonic was getting his own film that was very cool. & then everything went wrong for it. Being a live action, being a video game film & also the animation & design of sonic. He was not my Sonic. So they delayed him & redesigned him & it cost them millions upon millions. So im really interested to see exactly what they have done with this. I am hopeful but with all its problems, i am preparing myself for a let down here.
Trailers Trolls 2, Peter Rabbit 2, Onward, Mulan, the Secret Garden & The Call of the Wild. That is a lots of trailers before a kids film & thats after the 15mins worth of adverts. Please stop punishing kids.
Screen 1 was a third full. a few family where the parents where my age but honestly it was mainly people aged 25 to 30 in groups going to watch it to relive their youth & joy at the game. Sonic has been aimed at the wrong demographic, in its advertising. Us millennials have taken over.
& then the film started… & im not sure if we are getting a sequel but i have so many questions i need them to answer for me.
So many films muck up the finale or dont know how to end it properly, especially with kids films or in setting up the next one. This one did it so right like its the best bit of the film. Basically mid credit scene properly made me go YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS like i was a small child again & not a 30 year old sitting in a cinema watching a kids film. I will probably never know whats going to happen with that or the initial end set up. We wont get a follow up but if we do just because of those last few minutes im in.
Jim Carey was properly channeling some Mask & Pet Detective energy, for generation z or what ever the lot after snowflakes are called. It was crazy & mad but it was justified & it was worth the film. He knew how bizarre this film was & embraced it & i loved it. Chaotic beauty at its finest.
Im going back to the end. Theres a Boss fight basically (your going to watch a video game film you know this is coming) & Sonic uses all of the attacks i used to use to try & take down the baddie. It really was like watching the game on the big screen with less pixels & more HD. I was so happy they got that right. They kinda had to tho otherwise us millennials wouldnt be happy with it.
Some moments where i properly did feel for sonic & did just want to give that little hedgehog a hug. Its a proper way to teach kids how to express there emotions & speak out about it all. Brilliant way to do that. HE was so alone & depressed & just wanted some love & attention. I really felt for him.
The choices of the films they watch are amazing & those pop culture references throughout were brilliant. Okay maybe this film was made for millennials but they knew the only way they would be able to sell it would be to make it for kids. I really was something for us & some kids really did sit there with all this stuff going over their heads going whats all this about.
The ducks hehe
I am very glad they did redesign him that really worked. Baby sonic was cute but not as good as fluffy sonic. It was worth spending all that money on him to get it right.
We also must have a huge shout out the Dr Robotnik is mis called Mr Eggman at one point & then Sonic calls him both & then shouts oh whatever your name is. That is brilliant. If you know why thats cool welcome to this mad world.
The opening world oh my god in the feels. Loop d loops
If you played this as a kid, you will get proper nostalgia feels from it & it will take you to a happy place & make you feel very surreal. If you didnt play it none of this will make sense to you.
Shame we will never get some answers to it. It filled me with joy this but at the end of the day its a bad story & its the little throwbacks & the memories it brings back for me that makes it an okay film.