friday film time whoop
4:45 is perfect for me on a friday all films on fridays should be at this time. it means a 2hour film is done by 7pm whats not to love.So lets go & see Emma. (seems weird to keep writing a full stop at the end of it) which ive never read or ever seen an adaptation of in all my life. so im going into this with an open mind. It might broaden my horizon you never know
Im not sure what the demographic of screen 8 was a proper right mix of people & groups & individual & couples. Id say most were over 45 if im honest & that me being 30 was the lowed end of the couples or individuals. It was half full too (not that it takes much to fill screen 8 tho).
Adverts we had Dark Water (yes) Military Wives (maybe) Misbehaviour (maybe) & a weird film about Judy Dench being Dan Stevens medium that looked weird but i am so up for that i really am. That was the most entertaining trailer of them all or that ive actually seen new in a long time for something ive never heard of.
& then the film started… I can imagine at the time this was written & set this was groundbreaking & wow, however its now 2020, so its less so.
We have now seen this story told in many guises hundreds of time, so much so that after having know prior knowledge of the story or whats happens or what goes on i could tell you after the first 8 mins of watching it exactly how it would end. I understand that i am watching a period piece & that for its time it was bold racy & out there, but now its just a little bit awkward & you just sit there going so when this bit going to happen then, are we going to do that yet. It just felt very bland.
I didnt find it that romantic either ( i know im not the romantic type) however you watch some films & you do just go awwww even my cold heart does. There was more romance in sonic than this. There seemed to be no chemistry at all between anyone really.
Bill Nighy was the highlight of the film, with his whole oh really not again thing & just dismissiveness of everything that was refreshing, like he was actually doing it at the film & not life in general.
Anna Taylor Joy was good but shes not strong enough to hold this on here own yet. She needed Johnny Flynn to be more than what he was to be outstanding. He was good & probably gave the most complex performance in the film but he lacked that something as well. So with that being said it didnt work. There relationship has to to make the rest of the film move along.
I laughed once at the thing i shouldnt have because of who was involved & the rest of the cinema fell silent as it was a pivotal moment in the film. But i was just sitting there going ahhhhh hahahahahaha loving it. Basically Miranda Hart is in this film. She is not funny & i have opinions of her that i shouldnt really but on this blog (come ask me separately) but shes not a good actress lets say that. & in this part someone was rude to her which was intended to be a joke but was taken seriously. & i just laughed so much because it would be what i would do.
Costumes were nice that was good. So was the hair game.
Did we need to see so many stately homes all the time & fields to make it all look old we know its a period drama i dont need to be reminded every 17 seconds that it is. Basically it was too aware of itself but was showing you that we are aware of this but we’re not going to be woke about it.
This film was made because they wanted to do it, if im honest. There was no need for this film in 2020. It was done for the sake of it & the whole thing just irritated me. Its 2 hours i wont get back unfortunately.
It was just a bad film (& not because Miranda Hart was in it, but that does contribute to it).