Its the day after the 2024 oscars, let the race for the 2025 winner (cough dune 2 v gladiator 2 battle) begin. That also then means its time for another advanced screening. This time for Monster, a Japanese film ive seen the trailer for once. It looks interesting & ive avoided anything about it if im honest. I want a surprise.
We got free fudge tonight cheers cineworld for that.
There was about 40 people in my screening which is fair enough this hasnt been well advertised if im honest. I also felt young i keep going to see films where im clearly not the target audience.
Trailers, Immaculate ( i have this booked as an advanced screening) civil war, The one with Anne Hathaway (again an advanced screening is in the pipe line) Godzilla & Drive away dolls (oooh santos).
& then the film started… I am glad i knew little about it before i went in but i am going to tell you something important at the start of the film so you dont go eh like i did when you see this.
This film like all movies is in 3 acts, however each act is a different person which i didnt realise until about 10mins into act 2 & then i was like ahhhh he is that person i get it now.
Justice for Mr Hori. I liked him & he went through shit & i really felt for him. I got really emotional at how his act ended in the film, more than anyone else’s’. I mean there was someone completely having an emotional break down in my screening 3 rows in front of me at the end. I think because i had felt something earlier on it didnt have the same effect on me that moment because i knew something might be coming.
I do like how as you learn more from each act & how your opinion changes on each character & how you feel about them & why they have done what they did in the movie. It was a really interesting way to film it like that.
The film as an ambiguous ending. I think its one ending & ive only spoken to one other person who agrees with me. Everyone else things its the other option, but i dont see that especially with the way something had changed.
Also this is a brilliant film about speaking your mind & feelings at any point to anyone. Never be ashamed to tell the truth. Dont lie. Be who you are, she he they them, gay straight bi queer other, introvert extrovert. Be you. We love you no matter who you are.
The subtitles did make it very intense at points but that added to the drama.
Also that fire… seriously… it took a bloody long time to explain it too & why it was an issue.
The head teacher was odd, i get why but it was a weird side story never truly explained or covered.
I dont want to talk to much about it if im honest. I know this is a film you wont all set out to find but its sweet & clever & really did make you think. If you do discover it, you will have a beautiful sad little story to get to grips with.