It’s Friday, ive done a whole week at work, im still ill, so let’s go see the 4:50 film at the Odeon… Gemini Man. I do love the fact i can leave work early on a friday watch a film & be home before 7:15. Thats always good.
I’m going into this positive despite a review ive read overnight. I m going to give this the benefit of the doubt, i reckon it could be groundbreaking.
I always say 4:50 is the odd time to have a film (even tho it suits me) but there were about 20 maybe 25 people in screen 7 with me for this. I reckon it was mainly teenagers & people my age & no one else if im honest.
Trailers we had 21 bridges (yes) Dark Fate (Depends) Charlie’s Angels (yes) Knives out (YES YES YES {Eat Shit}) a right little bunch of films.
& then the film started… you know i said about the benefit of the doubt, yea i was being to nice to it before it began. It is not good this film, that is me being polite.
I mean the concept is a bloody good idea, & it was so interesting to see how they were going to do it & have Will Smith Vs Will Smith (Thats the trailer & the poster its not a spoiler). I was really looking forward to some very interesting stuff going on & how far they would actually push the concept & the idea & the technology, but nah they didnt. It didnt work at all. It was interesting seeing a young Will Smith, but at no point did it ever feel like we were going to get going.
& then we did we started going & it started being interesting & then it started to wrap up the film for a finale which just fizzled out & you went oh really were ending now as we are actually having some fun & its going well. Darn it.
The technology was stunning however we have now been doing this for a while, not quite person vs themselves but we have done this. & it came out in the same week as the Irishman premier where everyone was saying it was groundbreaking to deage people like it was something new. Its not. Ive seen this be done in a lot of films this year which dealt with these effects better.
A very poor storyline, which lacked conviction or heart or style doesnt help a film. Even the action scenes & explosion werent good & just felt rushed or for the sake of it. I think we even needed more exposition from someone in the film to explain what was happening. It just lacked in everything it was trying to achieve.
I like the fact you can just go & pick up a friends private jet & go wherever the fuck you want in this film. That kinda stuff only happens in the movies.
It just all felt rushed & awkward & not very well acted & like everyone signed up to be in this film 5 years ago & was now doing it out of loyalty to the original idea.
This film was basically someone going oh i have an idea of blah blah & then everyone else going oh okay then what & then them answering well thats it & they all went erm okay then & that became a film for some reason. So disjointed.
Just avoid it people, ive seen it so you dont have to. dont waste your time with it.