I’m back at the odeon peoples, no one want to come with me to see this one, even though the house all smiled & went that looks nice when it was on Norton on friday. Oh well their loss. Time to see Judy then.
Costa have there Gingerbread Lattes back whoop whoop whoop. Happy days indeed. Oh they are still so good. Nothing beats sitting in the cinema with a Gingerbread Latte from Costa (if i say it enough they my send me some wink wink).
Screen 3 id say probably had about 30 to 50 people in there for a monday at 5:30 which is okay i guess, its been awhile since i was actually in screen 3 so it was nice to be back. Alot of times been spent in 7 & 8 recently.
Trailers we had… oh what did we have think brain think (It wasnt Jojo I would have screamed if it was) erm oh Ford vs Ferrari was one of them, so was the auronoughts erm, come on girl there was 2 more. We had a shaun of the sheep turn your phone off message that was good. Oh what where they. Oh last christmas there you go thats one & erm… come on brain think think it want terminator it wasnt cats, was it official secrets… maybe okay yea lets go with that official secrets. Sorry that took a while people.
& then the film started… & it was nice… that probably not they way the people who made the film want me to start by saying that. They’d probably want a bit more than that if im honest.
Renee is good her characterised performance of Judy had to hold everything together. I did feel more emotionally connected to Jessy Buckley character, who was soooooooooo good too. But it is a film about Judy & Renee had to be on her a game for it & i think she is. I’m not sure if its enough to see her get a nomination at this point i dont know enough about the other leading ladies at the moment apart from Scarlett. So we will have wait & see.
The best bit about the film were the two gay guys who are her fans anything with heart & soul & feeling & actual like this could be a real moment came from them. Th meeting the dinner the piano & the end were all perfection. They were the reason i cried at the end of the film not Judy.
I didnt like how it got all emotional at the end & then cut it off dramatically with a loud snap before the end narration, could of lulled us in a little bit more & been less right thats it time to leave.
Overall i know the world was a different place back then but it just felt like anyone trying to be nice in this film except the kids were just pushed to the side like meh we dont care that you are trying to bring colour to this rude bullish world. Im sure some of that does still go on today, but everyone else just felt rude & like im here to be in a film that should be celebrated the world over. It just felt a little unloved & too pushy for you. It kept yelling at you, you should love me as a film but every time it did it tried to hard. IT needed nourishing.
The flash backs were nice, they were needed, but i did feel like we had a few too many if im honest & they didnt necessarily feel right after the bit they had followed. More organisation there.
It just felt a little meh & average i am afraid. I know i cried at it but that was more for the normal person & not Judy. Comparing this to what came earlier in the year with Stan & Ollie(similar story & set up for it), i would watch Stan & Ollie 1000 times before i think to watch this again.
I wanted to love & enjoy it but came out going hmmmmmmmmm. Huge shame so much potential.