If you smellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lets go back to Jumanji where we all grew up & see whats new & hope they they havent ruined the new one just for the sake of it making it. Please please please.
Synopsis time
4 teenagers find themselves in detention for various different reason at high school, one for answering back, one for using social media too much & the other two for cheating on exams & helping. They are all sent to the basement to do their detention, when they find an old video game called Jumanji & start playing it. The game glitches & they are sucked into the console as their avatars, which includes the social media girl turning into a middle aged over weight man. Eventually with the help of an NPC & cut scenes they realise they must play the game in order to get out & rely on each other to complete it. They also realise quickly that they have 3 lives & if they run out they die & never leave the game. After some friendship tests & arguments they meet the missing character they couldnt be in the game, who after talking to realise he is a kid who went missing 20 years ago from their town, whos family have all gone a little crazy. Before they get to the final mission, Alex whos been in the game 20 years loses his last life, so the social media girl Bethany gives up one of her lives for him. They eventually get to the final mission & after a couple of failures, use there combined game skills to complete the game. Upon being returned to the real world, they realise Alex is missing, but while walking home from detention realise the crazy house is no longer crazy & meet Alex now no longer a teenager but but 40 year old. He has named his new little baby after the girl who saved his life 20 years ago Bethany. The four teenagers reconcile & take life more seriously from now on, but only after destroying the console & the game.
Lets start by dealing with the elephant in the room. The tribute to Robin William & Alan Parish. Perfect. Its his tree house & his humour runs through the entire film & it just feels right & he would be very happy with that tribute & send off.
Can we appreciate Jack Blacks performance as a 16 year old girl. Its stunning, its so brilliant. Seriously i know hes a good actor & he has range, but he stole the show with his portrayal of Bethany is just brilliant. I mean everyone either was or knows a teenage girl to take inspiration for that role, but its just so honest & true. Its just really something.
The Rock being scared of everything is brilliant as Spencer is something to behold as well. It works more because its Kevin Hart as well, they have such a bromance that when they bitch to each other its more personal & when they celebrate it really means something.
We also need to appreciate Karen Gillan kicking the crap out of absolutely everyone in this film. The fact she has to do it as stereo typical avatar for this kinda game too, is stupid. She also has to learn how to flirt from Jack Black & do it so badly.
I love all of their weaknesses & strengths that they all have. Surely every single person in the worlds weakness is Cake. & i love that they use it to their advantage later on to help the beat the game & get past it all. It means they all work better as a team & proves that you can all do so much better if you just help each other.
Bethany saving Alex is so cute, but its so funny that she gets an erection, as shes a Male Avatar, instead of just feeling a bit oohhhh for a few minutes. I also like the fact you dont actually see it but you just know that is exactly what has happened.
Rhys Darbys NCP is brilliant how he just keeps saying the same things all time time & is the cut away scenes for those bits, although the one later on with the baddy doing im guessing the players dont see, its a little bit random.
When you see the Elephant Climb…. kinda took that all a little bit actually throughout didnt they not as in a metaphor. Also the Mouse/Moose…. hmmmm
As some who like to play computer game, its a shame there are only a few levels if im honest. I know we only have a few hours to get through this film & tick a lot of boxes, but i wouldnt play that game if it only had 5 levels too it. Okay yes you are being killed, but it still a shame.
Some of the Deaths in the game are brilliant, especially that stampede & getting eaten by a Hippo. So creative & cool. Also because it is a compute game it doesnt matter that everything is so overly CGId it works because you expect that to be the case.
The end is so sweet too, that he names his girl after Bethany, & that the four misfits all change their ways & become friends properly. It really is a life lesson for them all & works on a lot of levels.
Overall this film si solid & funny & has the correct tone throughout & it can do no wrong. Just kinda hoping that when they do make the next one which they have all signed up for that it isnt just for the cash & they keep it true.