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Friday cinema whoop happiest of days. A trip to the odeon really is the best way to end your week. & its the Gruffalo too so it cant go to wrong can it.

I got to screen 3 where there were two set of people sitting in my different prefered seats. I know the hell. So i went to the complete opposite side of the cinema to see it. Mind Blow how swapping seats affects your view soooooo much. Id say it was 30% full. However there was one group who were doing a running commentary throughout the first 20mins & being over the top in there reactions to everything in the film, so much so that after people making shhh noises at them & one person telling them to shut up that someone from the odeon actually came in asked them to come with them & they didnt return yay. Thanks for saving our viewing peoples.

Trailers we had No Time To Die (so close now we will probably book ours this time next week), A Quiet Place (yes it was the one just with the foot too), Antebellum (looks odd but im up for it) & 1 more but i cant remember what it was for.

& then the film started…. Yea thats good & it also proves a point ive been thinking about for a little while now…

We all trust Tom Hanks right… If you dont who the hell are you? Anyhow When you watch a Hanks film you believe him in his role, hes a consummate professional & you are happy to go on the journey with him & live it out & know its all going to be okay because Tom Hanks is in it. In Tom Hanks we trust… & the same can be said for Mark Ruffalo. The Gruffalo is becoming one of those actors where you just sit there & go tell me a story mark take me with you on the journey (that includes the MCU too by the way) You are just so comfortable & believe in him to get the job done that you go with him. He is taking on the mantel.

Basically he fucking nails it. Its one of those performances which i will never get tired of watching & its just so classy & filled with love & drama & suspense & the dedication to the role & the cause is just wow. It will stay with you for a little while. I am honestly not sure why he wasnt up for best actor at the oscars (film came out in america last year).

Normally random time jumps do my head in watching films, it can really piss me off if its not done well. But here it absolutely dealt with to the point & really adds to the drama & stress of it, as the days months & years just accumulate. It really adds to the drama.

Tim Robbins, you want to support him at times because you do completely understand where hes coming from & what hes got on the line, but there are points when there is no sympathy from him at all & you just want to shake him into reality.

There were actually a few people that i wanted to slap in the face & tell them this is much bigger than your reputation you wankers, lives are at stake here. You really did just want to reach into the screen & tell them to go away.

I love that the actual people from the real life story were in the film, that was brilliant. Robert Bilott & his wife who the film is about appear a few times & its properly a yes woohoo moment. It panned on them long enough in the film that it was letting you know that these random extras are the real heros of this film.

I related to that archiving scene quite a bit, especially recently.

I really like how it shows how much power big scale companies & corporate life have control over the media governments & all of us. It is very scary when you see that & you do just think oh god thats not good at all is it. They just manipulate them all & its very scary.

Not enough Bill Pullman in this film if im honest. Dont put his name 4th on the list when hes only in the film for 5 minutes. It lacked in that.

That cow oh poor cow. Bloody scary tho.

There is a table interview scene which is just so powerful & when it got to the end of it & something is shown it really did hit home & choked me up a little. I got a bit emotional at that.

The problem with the film was that at points it was a little bit to dramatised like oh someone could die, someone may get in trouble here & then it didnt. I dont need that kinda suspense that there maybe a car bomb in a film where there isnt going to be one. I know hes paranoid but still.

The endings were powerful too, both of them & also the fat that even tho the film ends there is still no ending to it. It is still going on now & it is still a thing.

If this is your kinda film, you will lap this up & adore it. I loved it. Its well told its properly stunning, it doesnt treat the viewer like an idiot even tho theres so much expostiontion & things to learn. Its just so well balanced & a joy to watch something so dark & bad.

In Mark Ruffalo we trust.

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