This cinema club review is brought to you by immense excitement as its just been announced all over the internet that the man himself James Gunn is returning to Write Produce & Direct Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3. Seriously i had literally just written the title to this blog & gone back to twitter to check on something & there it was… OMG!!!!! I seriously cant even right now. I even ran downstairs to tell everyone the news which they all cheered at as well. This is Huge. Bring it on!!!
Apologies Captain Marvel for that. lets start again shall we.
For the last week people have asked me why havent you seen Captain Marvel yet & my answer has been seeing people. Seriously i’ve been to social this last weekend & start of the week which meant that the first opportunity i had to watch it was the one i took. On Tuesday at 6:45pm in Screen 5 which i hadnt been to all year at this stage. So lets do it girl, i mean youve got to save the world after all.
Tuesday is 2 for 1 meercat day so it was pretty full id say 75% full. The row behind me tho all turned up 5mins into the film, talked for the first 5 mins they were there (me & another person in my row & another 3 people somewhere in the cinema told them to shhh) & then left before the first end credit scene. Fucking Idiots. Leave your money at the door next time please. There have been 20 (it is 20 right? quickly googles yes it was) films before this & the world knows you get at least one credit scene. Sit in your chair be quiet & watch it.
Trailers we had Shazam which looks hilarious, Dumbo which is stunning, Spiderman Far From Home, Dark Phoenix, Hellboy & the 20 second Endgame Trailer just before the little odeon guy did his count down. The whole cinema even though weve all seen the trailer 1000 times each still went quiet for it. We are all still trying to work it out. Even when the new trailer dropped yesterday theres still no official plot. Im going ot cry so much watching Endgame i know it. Please dont kill Steve please please please I know you probably will but please dont i will just be an emotional wreck if you do. Like i wont get over it ever.
Right film time sorry about everything you’ve had to read to get here, but its going to be worth it…. because she nailed it & shes saving all of us.
Brie is just fantastic, considering shes got huge hype before even getting into the universe that shes got to do all of this & shes the one, she handles it so well & gives a commanding leading lady performance & for someone whos not an action girl its really good to watch how she & the Captain evolve & grow into the film & the roll. By the time shes at the end she is ready to save us all, she really is.
Mr Jackson & Mr Gregg are just there normal selves & just rock the shield side of it. I love that we actually see more of Furys personality as hes going through the ranks & will eventually get to where he ends up. Its really refreshing to see that this man is going to be in-charge of everyone.
Jude Law oh man… stop being so good at the moment & being so sexy. I shouldnt be attracted to you at all but omg stop it. It was all a little too much him being all moody. IT was good very very good.
Ben Mendelsohn is everyone favourite bad guy (Nolan knows a good baddy when hes sees them) but this was a very different performance & commanding & just stunning, & i likes his humour & style & his vulnerability. It proved he is more than just an epic villain, & i hope hes back for more going forward. An off the scale performance.
That being said someone stole the show… didnt they Goose. I love that Cat. I hope he meets Rocket or Groot one day as that would be epic. He was a cute cat too & i loved all the little side bits with that too. Me & a friends were actually trying to discus this online the other day just with & then …. & when… & then… You know i know you know that i know. Did you get that peoples?
Even though i say im a child of the 80s i was only alive in the 80s for 61 & a bit days so i am a child of the 90’s, so loved the references & the music & the style & the outfits &it just made me go all nostalgic. Loved it. Just fabulous.
The Twist…. thats all im going to say come back to me when youve seen it & we will discuss.
We discussed the credits ish earlier… stay in your seat for the two of them people, first one is more important than the second but the second is you light relief pay off. But the first oh man, in the feels the whole room screamed yes when it happened. It was a huge noise. Bring on Endgame what 40ish days now til we get it here maybe 41 (im in the uk so get it before the rest of you & will be seeing it first day if possible).
Lots of hints to other characters still to come or that might pop back up again or to see where others then went to.
There are some huge show downs which maybe are a bit much & over the top, but she is meant to save us all. We have to build her as this epic destroying machine that can take this all on, it had to be huge.
We then also need to talk about the films message. Why was she doing this. Was it to save the boy friend, or for love or because shes pretty & needs a man to come & help her? No she didnt. She proved all along that her emotions may have been her weakness but also her strength & that she used them to her advantage & didnt need a side love story to keep her on track. She did it for herself & what she thought was right. Something that all female lead films should do from this point on. I know im single but it proves you dont need to have to fight for your on love or a man. Just do it with your friends & if you can put your mind to it you can do it. Every teenage girl should see this film & should be told its okay to be who you are, because to matter how many times you fall get back up & fight it & maybe someday you can change the world. What a message for a film. Do it for what you believe it.
Its a stunning film. Dont let the haters get you down. Enjoy it people laugh feel empowered & go for it like she does. Thankyou Captain Marvel for being so well Marvellous & bringing even more hype to the Endgame.
Some of you have noticed something that i have missed in my review which is entirely intentional by me, because the last thing i need to say is how the MCU dealt with the passing of Stan Lee, which is just beautiful & really fitting & i clapped & i wanted to cry at it. & the nod of respect from her to him. Just pure beauty. Thank you Stan!
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