I’m so sorry that you keep getting this as a cinema club review. This time its not to check how good she is though, its because i fucking can & i need to here that accent again.
I can basically write this cinema club review without even thinking about it if im honest. The film inspires me so much that its going to be such an easy watch. Im going to easter egg hunt now i know whats going on & have read into every single little thing online. I still cant give this the golden buzzer yet though as much as i probably should. Theres still a chance for other films to beat this ( highly unlikely but you know).
This is also quite coincidentally (like hell it is i planned it to be this way) my first free film of the year. As of today i dont have to pay for another film this year, every film from now on is free whooo hoooo go girl.
Screen 7 was showing this today. There were more people in there to watch this than there was missing link. The films been out for a month. Thats how good my girl is. I would say there was one group who hadnt seen it before in there, which we must have all really pissed them off as we were all laughing well before when stuff happened. Like i can almost quote this film now its that bad.
Trailers, Men in Black, Aladdin, Dark Phoenix & Endgame that will do all good all stunning all on the hit list.
& then the film started… & here are my last 2 reviews for you to all view
https://popcornforone.co.uk/cinema-club/cinema-club-captain-marvel/ &
https://popcornforone.co.uk/cinema-club/cinema-club-captain-marvel-again/ tadah your welcome. Lets try not to repeat myself here its going to be hard.
I have found 2 plot holes with this film & i am absolutely livid. I am willing to over look them though. How does Talos get to earth as hes not in an escape pod & how does Korath get off that ship & get back to the Kree you dont see him get picked up? Thats all. Again willing to over look those bits for you.
I’ve worked something out too, the shooting star in the flashback is it Star Lord being taken by Yondu? Think about the date time line & when its seen. It could very well be. Also here outfits are all the different out fits Captain Marvel has ever worn.
I loved the out poor of noooooooooooo when someone gets shot, even though we had all seen it & know the outcome of said shot but we all still went ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no no no dont do this to us.
Okay im getting to spoilery now im so sorry i really am.
Goose still gets even more laughs & is just amazing, but he no longer steels the show in my opinion. Thats Ben, Ben steals the show of the supporting characters (Brie its still her baby) but i just need more of him just being Aussie & being a fucking Legend & i need Talos to step up with the Skrulls & be the villains the MCU truly deserve for phase four. I now have my own Talos Pop head… & a Captain Marvel Tshirt too. Team Skrull for the win.
Its going to be talked about for a very long time it really is & its going to take something stunning for this not to be named film of the year it really is. I am seriously thinking of putting this in my top 10 films of all time & making it my favourite MCU film.
Go save the world girl we love you.