0 10 mins 5 yrs

I have joined what was the enemy… but is now my new home. This is the equivalent of leaving Arsenal to join Spurs if you get me. There will be a film review in a bit i promise i just want to get the swap over explained first & that overall experience.

My circumstances have changed during lockdown. I have a new job & therefore dont have to pay a grand a year to park in central Brighton… That being said, means that parking at my Odeon would cost me a fortune to see films. So ive done the math & looked at just staying local or looking at other cinemas & whats happened & mileage & i have joined Cineworld… I know ahhhhhh. Its also just had a huge revamp so i am really looking forward to going there for my first cineworld experience since i saw the Revenant i think…. yea must be. So thank you odeon for the limitless joy, but i am now unlimited.

Free parking at the marina isnt to be sniffed at at all is it, however its only for 4 hours… which means i cant back to back… 🙁 not good but i reckon i only need to go 3 times a month to make it entirely work the money which i will (ive seen the 2021 schedule i will earn its money). Also only took me 35 mins to get there okay it was a saturday when it was raining but that wasnt bad either.

The new lay out in the foyal is really good. everything has move & theres so much room & everyones so friendly even with whats going on at the moment. It just felt like a nice safe place to be. It felt like home. Everyone was really helpful too. When my ticket on my phone was scanned the lady who did it said welcome to unlimited, that felt nice.

Screen x i have no idea what that is but if all the screen are like that oh man…. Lovely reclining seats & when its an epic action film everything goes off around the side of you too a 260 degrees screen yea thats very nice peoples ooooh yea i can live with this, this will be home from now on.

Id say there was about 30 people to go & see this indie film which considering its not been advertised at all & its very neish is quite a few. Obviously they were all cinema nerds like me after there new film fix.

Trailers, the word for you with a reversing Boat (11 days to go must see if i can see it opening day) the Eddie Izzard german film which looks very good, No Time To Die oh yea i forgot about bond, & the kingsman, oh wow. Id like to also say well done to all the adverts which the majority were all for charities or things that have kept us going during lock down nice touch.

& then the film started… & i wasnt expecting that. Oh my Cinema is back peoples & i really didnt think it was going to be a little indie film that would do it & make me feel this way.

Before i gush about someone in particular (if you know anything about me & this film you will no why before i do) but i need to give everyone huge props & kudos for their performances. I was just sitting there going through so many emotions with different character on different levels throughout the film.

Eliza is really good & she is just going to grow into an actress who will just one day need to pull a certain face & it will just break your heart. Her performance in this was better than hers in Little Women. Also Toby made me want to punch him & hug him at the same time. The two of them had brilliant chemistry, in fact the whole cast did. It really did just feel like this huge loving dysfunctional normal family.

Eliza did put you through the mill in every way. you did want to tell her just to grow up & to get over it but then you would be reminded of her circumstances & youd want to look after her. proper light & shade in one character here.

Right lets talk then about my Mr Evil. I am sure you have worked out by now that my love for the worlds greatest villain in cinema Ben Mendelsohn is quite huge. The go to baddy of the last decade plays it so well & is so vile & evil that its a pleasure to see him be a nasty disgusting piece of work who makes your skin crawl. But this film in the last scene he broke me. His performance up to that point had been stunning, but there he was in this last scene & as he knew his life was about to change, my world fell apart & i cried & i cried & i cried. The most evil man in Hollywood made me want to leap out of my chair & through the screen to give him a huge hug & tell him it was all okay. If that is not good acting by a man who you usually wish ill upon, i dont know where you’re actually going to see anything better this year. It broke me.

I actually think that scene & the scene before broke most people actually, you could just here the ther 30 odd people in the cinema with me sniffing & heavy breathing. We had all brought into it & we all waited a while into the credits before we all left. A very similar feeling to the end of call me by your name & beautiful day in the neighbourhood of sadness & recovery. Just Wow. Yeah Ben youve ruined my life now, in one of the best ways ever. I can never see you as an evil person again.

I love how it wasnt glamorised, & it showed the general day to day struggles of normal life & how all familys have there ups & downs & fall outs & how you can go from i fucking hate you mum to why didnt you make me breakfast kinda thing. That is real life that is relatable. Okay it does have a dark premise which is a little oh god, but there are normal people all over the world in these circumstances who do just have to cope & get on & pretend everything is normal. Thats why this film hits home.

The bloody dog being called Henry, that was joyous, very joyous. Also leaving the middle of a therapy session to go change a light bulb ha. I loved that. But yea i giggled very quietly for a good 5mins after that scene.

Usually text explaining the plt does my head in when it just pops up, but because it was kinda chapter base & explained the tone of the scene & that i would be different it helped. Also maybe its because ive not seen that happen in a few months on a cinema screen maybe it felt homely. maybe if the film had been out in a few months time id of gone really were doing this.

I love how theres a random couple of parrots on a bird table & a pelican crossing the road. That doesnt happen here but i am reliably informed that in australia thats normal so yea thats fine.

You cant just solve everything with drugs good point.

There was some lighting & cinematography in a perty scene which was beautiful & brilliant & i loved it & it made my geeky cinema nerd inside me go oh yes, inject this film making into my veins.

It just all felt honest & true & a film to make you want to go home & not take the people in your own bubble for granted as life can change just like that & life is cruel but oh wow can it be magical & fantastic too.

Basically this is beautiful & emotional & poetic & the film the world need right now to tell us life has been crap to us all & that we may have lost some people we love or cant see them but we can always feel them. Go home & give everyone in your bubble a hug people, its all going to be okay.

& then go watch this film which is just stunning. It damn near perfection.

My world of cinema has finally returned. This is its proper homecoming.

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