Time for something that hasnt happened since 16th March… an original film at the cinema. I know AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH EXCITINGMENT! A friend has also seen this before me & said it was edge of your seat tense stuff, so im hoping this is going to be epic & a thrill ride for 95 minutes. Bring it on.
Screen One in the Dome still, but cineworld is now reopen down the road, i think it maybe time for me to switch sides & leave odeon & join them. Id say theres was about 15 people in the cinema for this. Screen one is the big long drawn out screen so it is actually hard to judge how many people are in there when you walk in as the lights are turning off.
Trailers well that boat is still reversing, 2 weeks to go now & bring on next monday for the Tenet chat before Inception…ekkkk. New Mutants which looks cool & dark, Wonder Woman 84 & A Quiet Place 2. Its so weird when trailers have the original dates on them still, im starting to get used to it tho.
& then the film started… Hmmmmmm, that was not as epic as i had hoped it would be, especially after my friend raving about it who doesnt really like that kinda thing.
If this had been a normal cinema year where id be seeing around 80 odd films, this would be the kinda film i would forget i had watched. While i watched it i thought it was okay, but when it was over i just kinda left & went okay, & have only thought about it since while writing a review & if people ask me about it. Thats it.
Crowe is good. He must have had a very good time killing & torturing all those people in variou different ways. But as much as his craziness & his possessiveness was epic, everyone else performances werent even average. Crowe was going psycho & they were all just going okay then maybe id best do this.
The best scene in the film is the dinner, thats proper cringe & i did sit there going oh my fuckign god no hes not & wishing people would get out of there. It was good & scary but is it worth going to see the film just for that scene… no unfortunately not.
I know i analyse a lot of film, but this one i sat there & after the first 5 minutes & then when someone mentioned something else very random worked out exactly how the film was going to end, so when they go to try & do that, i had seen it coming straight away so there was no suspense at all, which this film needed. IT was hiding in plain sight no it wasnt even hiding it was kinda standing there like drax in guardians if you get me.
A bit more of a backstory for some of the characters would of helped especially Crowe as to why they were like this. It didnt actually make you care about anyone in the film & you need to build up that bond people you really do, if you want to be on edge & wany people to escape this.
Yes i get that its an action packed adventure that goes over the top with things, but for your weekly going cinema person like me its very average & easy to work out straight away. Other people will enjoy & love this film, but for me honestly it was a bit meh & felt a little flat.
Shame it had ever chance of being a top film of the year being the first original film i had seen in the cinema since lockdown. But its let me down.