So there’s been a lot of talk about how physical media being important. & there have been a few instances recently where ive searched for something on a streaming service & its suddenly disappeared or isnt there & ive had to go through all sorts of loop holes to watch what i want. So i am doing an A to Z of Physical Media that i own. going through my films on DVD from A to Z & getting some of you guys to help along the way.
I do have a few rules.
It has to be from A to Z
It has to be a DVD film i own
It will not include the following
James Bond
Jason Bourne (my next marathon)
The MCU Phases 1, 2 & 3
Harry Potter (but i am saying fantastic beasts can be watched)
Not Equalizer 2 (for reasons that you all know)
& im going to do at least one a week & get you all to vote. There are some letters where i will just say this is what im watching or please pick between A B or C (this will happen at P for sure)
So lets see what i watch shall we. The Idea came to me on 6 August, lets see how long this takes & how it goes. (a while ive paused it while christmas watching is happening)
So this is my official A to Z of physical media (letterboxd link here) too see the film review click on the film titles
A is for Australia
B is for Bean The Ultimate Disaster Movie
C is for Crazy Stupid Love
D is for The Departed
E is for Edge of Tomorrow / Live Die Repeat
F is for Free Guy
G is for Good Will Hunting
H is for High Rise
I is for Isle of Dogs
J is for Juno
K is for Keeping Mum
L is for The Little Mermaid
M is for Mouse Hunt
N is for Now You See Me 2
O is for One Hour Photo
P is for Prospect
Q is for Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (because i only have one film that starts with Q so i chose between films that were music based)
R is for Retreat
S is for Source Code
T is for TENET
U is for The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
V is for Vantage Point
W is for The Wrestler
X is for X-Men
Y is for Yes Man (cheers Littleun Popcorn)
Z is for Zootropolis (the only film i own that starts with a Z)
& were done on 5th April 2024 thats 243 days since i came up with the idea. (we had a month off for the christmas madness so its actually 212)
Hope you have enjoyed this. I will add the film reviews as i get to them