Time to be very freaked out & glad all your photos are now digital & on your phones (yes I know these can all be hacked). One Hour Photo is going to make you rethink your life & what you just accept.
Robin Williams the man you grew up loving now is freaking you out giving you nightmares. Such a sweet old man who just wants to be apart of a family & belong, and goes to extreme lengths to do it. HE is amazing and so innocent in what he wants but when his idea of perfection crashes around him he cant cope with it.
Yes its sweet how through something you do on an irregular basis, ends up with you having some sort of friendly relationship with another person who you would never meet. Its kinda happened to us with our steward at football. He always makes a point to come & say hi & we have a chat, but i doubt he has all of our photos across his wall at home, and dreams of being apart of our family.
I did freak out slightly when Clark Gregg turned up, Photo shops are a magical place, not that he was in the film for too long though.
Im amazed he got away with steeling all of those Photos for so many years. Why did no one notice it previously. Surely they would have seen this was happening. Its also weird that its the kid that notices first that hes sad & alone & has no one. But then it makes the rest of the family kinder to him. Yes purchasing the same book as them is freaky but it still brings them together and proves he needs help.
I can understand why he put the photos in there to catch out the partner cheating. He too feels like he has been betrayed by the family. Its nice that he drives behind them to make sure they dont crash when she discovers the truth. Yes its stalkerish but we all want her to do the same too, kick her husband out but no she carry’s on like normal, to keep the family together. Im with him on his pain for this one.
His fantasy of living in their house and life is really sweet, there is a moment i do think its not a fantasy and real. Yes its completely wrong but he genuinely felt like he was on a life journey with them, which is why he took his picture on there film, so they would always remember him.
His narration is also brilliant, explaining why he did what he did to the police throughout the story. And its a brilliant twist at the end that the Camera used to black mail the partner and mistress was already full of boring every day photos that he took.
If you dont want to feel like everyone your polite too ends up eventually stalking you, this films not for you. But if you want to be twisted and see eventually what right and wrong with the modern world, this is the film you need to see. Now wheres my cloud storage software to make sure noone can look at my photos.