So this is it… the creme de la creme. The biggy. THE 2022 GOLDEN BUZZER WINNER! God it feels nice to type that outloud. & when it was announced it was going to be in Cinemas again for one more week before it goes onto Paramount Plus, i couldnt resist. Especially when they are offering you a screen X Screening for no additional amount ahhhhhhhhhh. Im here for 10am lets do this Tom, lets feel the need, the need for speed.
So the 10am showing in screen x for a film released 7 months ago, how many people were there. No not just me. 40. yes. 40! Im impressed. I arrived at the point the screen x trailer happens too. All ages too. From family’s with kids aged 8 to elderly couples.
Trailers, no Opp(ahhhhh), Babylon(yes), I wanna Dance with somebody (yes), Avatar(nope) & Mission Impossible 7 (thats a screen x viewing if ever i knew one).
& then the films started… I dont think i need to say anything else about this film. I was sitting there quoting it underneath my scarf.
& that is genuinely my review of my 4th Cinema Viewing of Golden Buzzer winning Top Gun Maverick. I now (as its after christmas) have this on DVD & cant wait to watch it on my big arse TV soon.